Complexidade do algoritmo em relação à memória
Complexidade do algoritmo em relação à memória,Recentemente o ProfBrunoLopes fez uma live com a morgiovanelli falando sobre a complexidade dos algoritmos, onde era discutido, d...
Handling Injection Attacks in Java
Handling Injection Attacks in Java, Security (2 Part Series) 1 Handling Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Java 2 Handling Injection Attacks in Java An injection attack is the insertion...
Day 40: Password Guessing Game
Day 40: Password Guessing Game, 100 Days of Code (48 Part Series) 1 Day 1: Two Sum 2 Day 2: Check Prime ... 44 more parts... 3 Day 3: Hex Colour 4 Day 4: Repeating Numbers 5 Day 5:...
Magical Mystery XOR
Magical Mystery XOR,Binary logical operators are fundamental to software development and chances are you use them almost every time you write code. The operators && (and) a...
JPA goes even easier with its Buddy
JPA goes even easier with its Buddy,So, Hello World... After almost a year of development, the first version of JPA Buddy has finally been released! This is a tool that is supposed...
Solution: Binary Trees With Factors
Solution: Binary Trees With Factors, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Leetcode Soluti...
A quick guide to bit manipulation in Java
A quick guide to bit manipulation in Java,Bit manipulation is the direct manipulation of data bits to perform operations and is an important optimization skill now tested by FAANG ...
Let’s Implement JWT Based Authentication in Spring boot
Let’s Implement JWT Based Authentication in Spring boot, backend (3 Part Series) 1 Let’s Implement Basic JWT Based Authentication in Spring boot 2 Let’s Implement JWT Based Auth...
Spring security, CORS and Axios!
Spring security, CORS and Axios!,Right, I was happily enjoying my day, doing awesome stuff ( not really ), when I got a message that my API was causing CORS issues! Now, I thought ...
Solution: Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K
Solution: Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 mor...
Create Pivot Chart in Excel using Java
Create Pivot Chart in Excel using Java,In my previous posts, I've introduced how to create an Excel pivot table with the 3rd party library--Free Spire.XLS for Java. This article wi...
Installing Tomcat server in Netbeans 12
Installing Tomcat server in Netbeans 12,Netbeans no longer comes with Tomcat bundled so if you want to deploy your web application you need to manually register an external server....