编程技术 第8页
What are AI Agents and How Can They Help You?-拾光赋

What are AI Agents and How Can They Help You?

What are AI Agents and How Can They Help You?, What is an AI Agent? AI agents are a buzzword these days, and for good reason—they’re transforming the way we approach tasks and pr...
Java Dubbo 面试题-拾光赋

Java Dubbo 面试题

Java Dubbo 面试题,谈谈你理解的Dubbo? Dubbo是一个高性能的Java RPC框架,它提供了服务的注册、发现、调用以及监控等功能,使得开发者可以方便地构建分布式系统和服务化架构。 服务治理:Dubbo...
5 Advanced Java Multithreading Techniques for High-Performance Applications-拾光赋

5 Advanced Java Multithreading Techniques for High-Performance Applications

5 Advanced Java Multithreading Techniques for High-Performance Applications, As a best-selling author, I invite you to explore my books on Amazon. Don't forget to follow me on Medi...
VisionMaster SDK C# 控制台应用 二次开发 代码示例-拾光赋

VisionMaster SDK C# 控制台应用 二次开发 代码示例

VisionMaster SDK C# 控制台应用 二次开发 代码示例,前言 本文主要是个人开发经验,实用为主。可能有不严谨之处,欢迎指正 开发环境准备 对于控制台应用,其实只要从 VisionMaster4.x.x\Develop...
Avalonia 简单实现输入法光标跟随效果-拾光赋

Avalonia 简单实现输入法光标跟随效果

Avalonia 简单实现输入法光标跟随效果,本文是在 11.1.0 的 Avalonia 版本里面实现效果 本文内容里面只给出关键代码片段,如需要全部的项目文件,可到本文末尾找到本文所有代码的下载方法 核心是...


一文带你了解什么是servlet,介绍 Servlet是在服务器端运行的Java程序,可以接收客户端请求并做出响应,是基于 Java 技术的 web 组件,该组件由容器托管,用于生成动态内容。他是用Java编写的服务...
Understanding Spring Security and OAuth 2.0-拾光赋

Understanding Spring Security and OAuth 2.0

Understanding Spring Security and OAuth 2.0,In this article we will explore Spring security and will build a authentication system with OAuth 2.0. Spring Security is a powerful, hi...
Building a Smarter Botnet Simulation: The Ultimate Cybersecurity Playground-拾光赋

Building a Smarter Botnet Simulation: The Ultimate Cybersecurity Playground

Building a Smarter Botnet Simulation: The Ultimate Cybersecurity Playground, Introduction In 2016, the Mirai botnet unleashed one of the largest Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS...
Java-kafka producing a message-拾光赋

Java-kafka producing a message

Java-kafka producing a message, 原文链接:Java-kafka producing a message
JSON Diff: Comparing and Identifying Changes in JSON Data-拾光赋

JSON Diff: Comparing and Identifying Changes in JSON Data

JSON Diff: Comparing and Identifying Changes in JSON Data, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a widely used data format for transmitting and storing structured data, espe...
How to index in SolrJ-拾光赋

How to index in SolrJ

How to index in SolrJ,If you want to index information (a document) in Solr. Indexing is also simple using SolrJ. Users build the documents they want to index as instances of SolrI...
Java interacting with Apache Avro-拾光赋

Java interacting with Apache Avro

Java interacting with Apache Avro,This Java-Avro Sample demonstrates how we setup a POJO and then save the info into an Avro file to later by created as a GenericRecord instance. U...