What are the differences between C# and Java?
What are the differences between C# and Java?,In this article, we'll be comparing the merits of two popular programming languages side-by-side: C# and Java. At their core, C# (pron...
Soap ui alternatives
Soap ui alternatives,Hi all, Looking for some alternatives to soapui as it keeps crashing. I've tried postman but can't seem to get the mock server working. To note I've tried Dsoa...
Maximum Subarray Sum
Maximum Subarray Sum,Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum. A subarray is a contig...
Image to ASCII Characters in Java
Image to ASCII Characters in Java,For the past couple of days I've been working on this mini project called Ascii Art which is inspired by Robert Heaton. Robert is a great mentor a...
Subarray with 0 sum
Subarray with 0 sum,Given an array of positive and negative numbers. Find if there is a subarray (of size at-least one) with 0 sum. Example 1: Input: 5 4 2 -3 1 6 Output: Yes Expla...
Add Hongkong Post Root CA certificate to Java keystore
Add Hongkong Post Root CA certificate to Java keystore, Problem I can't find Hongkong Post Root CA in Java 17 cacerts. I need to download and import it. Steps Download from Hongkon...
Using Huawei App Messaging in Android
Using Huawei App Messaging in Android,Huawei AppGallery Connect's App Messaging service allows you to send targeted, useful in app messages to your users. The look and content of m...
Subarray Sum Equals K
Subarray Sum Equals K,Given an array of integers arr and an integer k, return the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input: arr = [1,1,1], k = 2...
De Typescript a Java
De Typescript a Java,Hace poco he leído el comentario de un programador comentando que en su trabajo ha tenido que pasar de Typescript a Java, que es un atraso en su carrera pero ...
Quando usar Classes aninhadas, classes locais, classes anônimas e expressões lambdas
Quando usar Classes aninhadas, classes locais, classes anônimas e expressões lambdas, Classe aninhada O Java te permite definir uma classe dentro de outra. Exemplo: class ClasseE...
Judging Valid Parentheses
Judging Valid Parentheses, Leetcode problem 20: Valid Parentheses Question: Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input ...
Before Wordle…
Before Wordle...,If you've been on the internet recently, you've probably come across Wordle. If you haven't, you should definitely check out this highly addictive internet word ga...