Why a Spring Cloud Config Server is Crucial to a Good CI/CD Pipeline (Pt 1)
Why a Spring Cloud Config Server is Crucial to a Good CI/CD Pipeline (Pt 1), Introduction Before I began developing large-scale, enterprise level software, I didn’t fully comprehe...
How I cut AWS Lambda Java Cold Start Times in Half
How I cut AWS Lambda Java Cold Start Times in Half,It is rare that a simple JVM argument change can have a dramatic impact on execution times, but in the case of AWS Lambda adjusti...
Hibernate – vs JDBC vs JPA vs Spring Data JPA
Hibernate - vs JDBC vs JPA vs Spring Data JPA,You have a java program on one side and the relational database on the other side. Let's check what happens when you connect these and...
How To Minimize Browsers In Selenium WebDriver Using JUnit
How To Minimize Browsers In Selenium WebDriver Using JUnit,Delivering software with superior UI is one of the key aspects of development, but there are times when you need to test ...
How to create a REST API in Java using DynamoDB and Serverless
How to create a REST API in Java using DynamoDB and Serverless,Originally posted at Serverless In this walkthrough, we will build a products-api serverless service that will implem...
Ethereum versus Daml, an analysis of Enterprise Blockchain
Ethereum versus Daml, an analysis of Enterprise Blockchain,This post was originally created on Daml Blog by Shaul Kfir. As developers identify the blockchain infrastructure and app...
Private Constructor in JAVA
Private Constructor in JAVA,In JAVA the constructor is a special type of method that has the same name as the class name or file name. And when we call an object then internally co...
Graph Algorithm – Bipartite Graph(DFS)
Graph Algorithm - Bipartite Graph(DFS), Graph Algorithms (8 Part Series) 1 Graph Algorithm - Breadth First Search 2 Graph Algorithm - Depth First Search ... 4 more parts... 3 Graph...
Kotlin Vs Java – Clearing The Haze For Once & All
Kotlin Vs Java - Clearing The Haze For Once & All,There's been a long debate going on between Kotlin and Java in the technological space. So today we're going to lay out everything...
[Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Translate-io]
[Deepgram x DEV Hackathon Submission Post Translate-io], Overview of My Submission Translate-io - One command to record audio for n minutes and get a recording file and a transcrip...
Does Java 18 finally have a better alternative to JNI?
Does Java 18 finally have a better alternative to JNI?,Java 18 was released last month (March 2022), and with it comes the second incubator of the Foreign Function & Memory API...
Writing better code
Writing better code,Hi, in this article we will shed the light on an important topic. Every programmer knows how to sort an array, how to balance a tree, how to create and use comp...