JavaScript vs Java Pass by Value and Reference
JavaScript vs Java Pass by Value and Reference, Different Languages, Different Paradigms When you are working with different languages at the same time, it is important to note tha...
Learn Django the right away
Learn Django the right away,I wanted a guide to start using Django. I also wanted a guide with a good approach, something that could give me a good understanding of some methodolog...
(Im).mutable ->(OOP)bjects and CPython
(Im).mutable ->(OOP)bjects and CPython, Introduction The Python programming language uses data structures in novel ways. It builds off of primitive data types in C to form a data s...
Testing and Test Driven Development – Why?
Testing and Test Driven Development - Why?,I'm part of a group here in Nashville called Penny University. Essentially it's an “open-door” user group that connects people wanting ...
Spring Boot: Hello World, Kotlin
Spring Boot: Hello World, Kotlin,In this post I show how you can create a Spring Boot 1.5 application using Kotlin 1.1 (as opposed to typically Java 8 in these times). From moelhol...
Train a Custom Visual Recognition Model Using Clarifai’s Python Client
Train a Custom Visual Recognition Model Using Clarifai's Python Client,In December, our v2 API graduated from developer preview to general availability. Don't they grow up so fast?...
Nevertheless, Nested bloop Coded
Nevertheless, Nested bloop Coded, I began coding because... I used to be a product manager and wanted to understand developers better. The best way to understand developers and the...
Nevertheless, Rebecca Bilbro Coded
Nevertheless, Rebecca Bilbro Coded, I began coding because... I began learning Python a few years ago because it's a good way to solve the kinds of problems I have to address at wo...
Full Stack Engineer and an Arsenal FC Fan
Full Stack Engineer and an Arsenal FC Fan, 原文链接:Full Stack Engineer and an Arsenal FC Fan
Grid Unlock: Using a simulation in Python to demonstrate a faster way to walk
Grid Unlock: Using a simulation in Python to demonstrate a faster way to walk,I'm a data scientist who likes to run experiments on his hometown of New York City. This post uses som...