Microframeworks en Java
Microframeworks en Java, Microframeworks que deberías revisar. ¡Hola! Después de unas semanas de inactivdad continúo con el tema de los frameworks para microservicios, ahora co...
Why I Deleted My IDE; and How It Changed My Life For the Better
Why I Deleted My IDE; and How It Changed My Life For the Better,About 3 years ago, I made a big change in the way that I write code. It occurred to me that in a lot of cases, my ID...
How to publish a library to a Maven repository with the maven-publish plugin
How to publish a library to a Maven repository with the maven-publish plugin,A seasoned developer now and then creates a piece of code that he or she would like to reuse in a diffe...
CopyMaker,Hi people, I wanted to show you a little utility I made and decided to publish on GitHub. I work mainly with a legacy ERP with it's own database, and many times I need to...
Deploy Java Application To Cloud Foundry In Less Than An Hour
Deploy Java Application To Cloud Foundry In Less Than An Hour, Introduction: This article talks about setting up PCF on your Local Workstation with PCF Dev and deploy a Java applic...
Java Override Equals Override `equals` method in Java
Java Override Equals Override `equals` method in Java,The == operator is a false friend in Java. It works properly only on primitive and will make you cry if you used it on any oth...
PlugFace Reborn – the Java Plugin System
PlugFace Reborn - the Java Plugin System,Visit https://plugface.matteojoliveau.com for the full documentation One year ago I came across the need to dynamically load bits of code i...
Go functional with Java
Go functional with Java,Java has been the most popular language since it's launch, because it's creators have made sure that the language doesn't miss on anything and sustains it o...
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet,Modifiers in Java still seem tricky to me, so I'll try to put it as short as possible. Modifiers are words that alter the class / method ...
Introduction to Aspose.CAD library
Introduction to Aspose.CAD library,Aspose.CAD is a standalone software library for .Net and Java platforms that reads CAD files such as DWG, DXF, DNG, IFC, STL files and can export...
Maven for Ant People
Maven for Ant People,Ant people often find Maven completely mystifying. I know I did. I work at a shop that was, until recently, completely Ant based. We built complex build script...
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8,For the most part, single line lambda functions are all you need. This is a single line lambda: Predicate<Sound> isBark = sound ->...