Embedded H2 Database with Spring Boot Application
Embedded H2 Database with Spring Boot Application,It’s a well known fact that when we are building a web application it is nearly impossible to do away with some form of data stor...
balalaika IT newsletter #2
balalaika IT newsletter #2, Frontend Mark Erikson (Redux maintaiiner) provides us with 'details on how React rendering behaves, and how use of Context and React-Redux affect render...
How to Approach Python From a Java Perspective
How to Approach Python From a Java Perspective,Right now I’m taking a break from sharing updates on the image-titler script and reflecting on teaching to respond to a request from...
How we made our SQL database QuestDB even faster and more accurate
How we made our SQL database QuestDB even faster and more accurate,See our article here About a month ago, we posted about using SIMD instructions to make aggregation calculations ...
Apply Two Slide Masters in One Presentation in Java
Apply Two Slide Masters in One Presentation in Java,A slide master in PowerPoint preserves fixed styles, such as background, title, theme color, etc., which can be inherited by oth...
Spring Framework Architecture and Runtime Components
Spring Framework Architecture and Runtime Components,The mainly concentrated in this post on the Java/ Spring Framework, we are going to study the important modules of the Spring F...
Quick Tip – How to set the visibility of a button
Quick Tip – How to set the visibility of a button,Hello ! I’m Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, I am going to explain how to set the visibility of a button. Self promotion:...
Functions supported by the Aerospike SQL driver
Functions supported by the Aerospike SQL driver, aerospike-jdbc-driver (4 Part Series) 1 Introduction to the Aerospike JDBC driver 2 Aerospike JDBC driver: SQL DDL compliance 3 Fun...
Java Create Table in Word Document
Java Create Table in Word Document,In Word documents, tables can not only make the text content more concise, but also make the data display more intuitive. This article will demon...
Clojure and the JVM
Clojure and the JVM,I was recently talking with someone who is learning Clojure, and while learning destructuring he showed me an example function: (defn my-first [[s]] s) Enter fu...
Fire Alarm Monitoring System 🧯
Fire Alarm Monitoring System 🧯, We were recently allocated group assignments by our university. This system has a web client application where users can view the status of all fir...
Boost your productivity with this tiny IntelliJ plugin!
Boost your productivity with this tiny IntelliJ plugin!,As a developer i think our job is not just writing code but looking for the best way to do so. Writing good code usually tak...