编程技术 第1404页
Code O Game - algorithms, datastructures, etc..-拾光赋

Code O Game – algorithms, datastructures, etc..

Code O Game - algorithms, datastructures, etc.., Hi guys! I built a repository to have in a single place all possible algorithms and data structures - in multiple languages. We aim...
OneDev 3.2 - Open Source Self-Hosted All-in-One DevOps Platform-拾光赋

OneDev 3.2 – Open Source Self-Hosted All-in-One DevOps Platform

OneDev 3.2 - Open Source Self-Hosted All-in-One DevOps Platform,OneDev is an open source project hosted at https://github.com/theonedev/onedev Since last announcement, we got bunch...
We're hiring! New Junior test - thoughts?-拾光赋

We’re hiring! New Junior test – thoughts?

We're hiring! New Junior test - thoughts?, Introduction My employer is hiring, at all levels, and I've been asked to do the technical side of the interviews. We have a pretty decen...
Writing a mathematical expression evaluator in Java-拾光赋

Writing a mathematical expression evaluator in Java

Writing a mathematical expression evaluator in Java,Introduction Writing an expression evaluator, as simple as it may be, has always been a long standing challenge for me, mostly b...
Effective Java Part 4 - Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor-拾光赋

Effective Java Part 4 – Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor

Effective Java Part 4 - Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor,When to use this? When you want to create a class to hold bunch of static fields or static method. And...
Spring Boot Rest API Uygulama Swagger API Dökümantasyon Kullanım Örneği-拾光赋

Spring Boot Rest API Uygulama Swagger API Dökümantasyon Kullanım Örneği

Spring Boot Rest API Uygulama Swagger API Dökümantasyon Kullanım Örneği,Spring Boot ile yaptığımız Rest uygulamalarımızın API Dökümante etmek ve yönetmek için kulla...
Effective Java Part3 - Singleton-拾光赋

Effective Java Part3 – Singleton

Effective Java Part3 - Singleton,Singleton in Java is a concept that describes that a class should have one and only one of the instantiated object. What does that mean? With one c...
How to build jdbc url to Google SQL instance?-拾光赋

How to build jdbc url to Google SQL instance?

How to build jdbc url to Google SQL instance?,I find it pretty tricky and not transparent on how to build JDBC URL to Google SQL Database instance. Postgresql example placeholder: ...


SPRING BOOT SECURITY WITH OAUTH 2.0,OAuth 2.0 is an open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web applications and etc. The OAuth 2.0 authori...
Effective Java Programing Part 2 - Creating and destroying objects.-拾光赋

Effective Java Programing Part 2 – Creating and destroying objects.

Effective Java Programing Part 2 - Creating and destroying objects.,Consider the static factory methods over the constructors One advantage of using factory methods over the constr...
Effective Java Programming Part1 - Some thoughts about effective programming-拾光赋

Effective Java Programming Part1 – Some thoughts about effective programming

Effective Java Programming Part1 - Some thoughts about effective programming,First rule first, code should be reused instead of copying. Learning the art of programing is like othe...
Java Socket based chat application with SHA-1 hash encryption-拾光赋

Java Socket based chat application with SHA-1 hash encryption

Java Socket based chat application with SHA-1 hash encryption,https://github.com/LalanaChami/Java-Chat-Application-Socket-Java-Swing-GUI- Socket based chat application with a chat ...