Java: Functions in your own class
Java: Functions in your own class,The best exmaple of usage of your own class is to work with a database. Moreover, using functions in class is more correct than simple functions a...
Hide Checked Exceptions with SneakyThrows
Hide Checked Exceptions with SneakyThrows, Exception Handling in Java (4 Part Series) 1 Avoiding NullPointerException 2 Hide Checked Exceptions with SneakyThrows 3 Exceptions and S...
CI/CD for personal project on homerserver
CI/CD for personal project on homerserver,Hello everyone, For the sake of learning a created a simple web-app. It consist of: next-js (react) frontend spring boot backend postgres ...
How to automate tests for webhooks
How to automate tests for webhooks, Problem Has it happened to you that you are coding a test that requires you to wait for a webhook notification? It is a problem because normally...
Interview OS (Part 2A) – Important Terms in OS
Interview OS (Part 2A) - Important Terms in OS,Disclaimer - Thanks to Love Babbar for this list of important terms that are required to be known in OS. Compiler Loader Assembler In...
Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously
Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The B...
Deploying Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes
Deploying Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes, In this article, I will explain how you can create a pod, deploy a spring boot application, manage the single node cluster with Len...
Binary Search (Recursively) in Java
Binary Search (Recursively) in Java, Create a method binarySearch() inside BinarySearch class public class BinarySearch { int binarySearch(int arr[], int left, int right, int key) ...
How to watch a directory in Java?
How to watch a directory in Java?,You can watch a folder/directory on your server or computer easily using Watch API provided by Java. Below is the algorithm: STEP1: Create a watch...
Create Bulleted and Numbered Lists in Word in Java
Create Bulleted and Numbered Lists in Word in Java,Lists in Word documents are often used to make certain content stand out from the regular text. They may attract the readers' att...
Trying out localstack with JUnit5
Trying out localstack with JUnit5,I was trying to fake Amazon Web Services using localstack by running it with Junit5 and this is what I did. You can find the code for this example...
Backend developers deserve better tools for frontend
Backend developers deserve better tools for frontend,I know there is plenty of backend developers who are either not passionate about creating frontend or don't have time to learn ...