Chain of Responsibility Pattern | Design Patterns in Java
Chain of Responsibility Pattern | Design Patterns in Java,Behavioral design pattern: Watch a Java implementation of the Chain of Responsibility Pattern which passes a request/comma...
log4shell の JAR 検査ツール
log4shell の JAR 検査ツール, Log4j 脆弱性 in 2021 年末 (5 Part Series) 1 Apache Log4j RCE 脆弱性 (CVE-2021-44228): 攻撃試行を検出 2 Apache Log4j RCE 脆弱性 (CVE-2021-44228) に関し...
Log4j Vulnerability
Log4j Vulnerability,Summary of the Vulnerability On Dec. 9, 2021, a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Apache log4j 2 was recognized as being taken advantage of in nature...
OSS Log4j Vulnerability Scanning Tools
OSS Log4j Vulnerability Scanning Tools,TLDR: Download the OSS Log4j Vulnerability Scanning Tools from the JFrog GitHub repository to assess potential Log4j vulnerabilities in your ...
Effective Java: Don’t Depend on the Thread Scheduler
Effective Java: Don't Depend on the Thread Scheduler, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesda...
Spring Boot + JPA — Clear Tests
Spring Boot + JPA — Clear Tests,I have written several articles about testing Spring Boot applications. We discussed integration testing with database and Testcontainers library p...
Update dependencies safely – with a delay on newly published versions
Update dependencies safely - with a delay on newly published versions,It’s common to regularly pull the latest versions of packages from public upstreams - without review or regar...
What is Spring Boot
What is Spring Boot,Many tech tutors have in their best explained what Spring Boot is. Having read their articles, I have come up with a clear view of what spring boot is all about...
Basics of GraphQL
Basics of GraphQL, Let's connect: LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/arpan-bandyopadhyay-bb5b1a54/ 原文链接:Basics of GraphQL
Java 的迴圈控制
Java 的迴圈控制, Break break 用來中斷整個迴圈: for (int i = 0, i < 10, i++) { if (i = 2) { break; // i = 2 就中斷整個迴圈 } else { System.out.println(i); } } Enter fullscreen m...
Verify an application has picked up a java property
Verify an application has picked up a java property,NOTE: This was written in response to the log4shell vulnerability CVE-2021-44228. -Dlog4j2.noFormatMsgLookup=true is not effecti...
New Log4j vulnerability was found in 2.15.0 which is less dangerous
New Log4j vulnerability was found in 2.15.0 which is less dangerous, Log4j vulnerabilities in the end of 2021 (5 Part Series) 1 Apache Log4j RCE vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228): Att...