Effective Java Tuesday! Favor Composition Over Inheritance
Effective Java Tuesday! Favor Composition Over Inheritance, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java ...
Managing JDKs in MacOS
Managing JDKs in MacOS,With the increasing number of JDK builds and the more frequent release cadence, I found it hard to keep track what I had installed in my MacOS and switch bet...
Hexagonal Architecture
Hexagonal Architecture,1. Overview Hexagonal Architecture is an architectural design pattern that makes the application highly maintainable and fully testable. It keeps the importa...
Compression @ SwayDB
Compression @ SwayDB,Enabling full compression can reduce data size by 89.3%! Compression is important for performance because more data can be stored & read into memory within...
Introduction to Java ProcessHandle
Introduction to Java ProcessHandle,This is a quick introduction to application of Java ProcessHandle through a use case. Background: I developed a website call xconvert.com. It use...
Changing a constant in Java at runtime (WHAT?!)
Changing a constant in Java at runtime (WHAT?!),When learning Java, you were told that constants can be created by using the final keyword and that the value (or the object referen...
ColdFusion SetCookie UDF (Supports “SameSite”)
ColdFusion SetCookie UDF (Supports “SameSite”),I attempted to post the following response regarding a ColdFusion bug that I reported back in March 2018, but Adobe's CFTracker web...
How to get started with Gradle
How to get started with Gradle,This post was originally published in adityasridhar.com Gradle is used very often in the industry and I felt it will be good to cover the basics of G...
Splitting Liquibase changelog? No problem.
Splitting Liquibase changelog? No problem., What is Liquibase? As Wikipedia says: Liquibase is an open-source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying datab...
Java 10 에서 var 재대로 사용하기
Java 10 에서 var 재대로 사용하기,조금 된 일이지만, Java 10부터 var 구문이 생겼다. LTS인 자바 11부터는 이를 통한 람다 타입 지원도 생겼다. 하지만 최신 안정화 버전(LTS)인 자바 11로 프...
Linden Scripting Language
Linden Scripting Language, Into the Metaverse Way back in 2006 while watching TechTV I got my first glimpse at Second Life, the online social game that would take up huge chunks of...
ColdFusion Test for new Amazon Trust Services Certificates
ColdFusion Test for new Amazon Trust Services Certificates,I received an email notification from Amazon that Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront were migrating default certificates to ...