Open Lowcode version 1 Released
Open Lowcode version 1 Released,I am glad to announce that after a few years of effort, Open Lowcode version 1 is released. Open Lowcode is a solution for enterprises and organisat...
Qual a grande história por trás do Java?
Qual a grande história por trás do Java?,Bom, se você está lendo isso quer dizer que você é um iniciante Java e está procurando informações antes de cair de cabeça no mun...
Hibernate – OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne and ManyToMany
Hibernate - OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne and ManyToMany,Through JPA annotations when we are using Hibernate, we are able to manage relationships between two tables as if objects ...
Java InvokeDynamic (part 3 bytecode)
Java InvokeDynamic (part 3 bytecode), code ประกอบ ในตอนที่ 2 part 2 เราได้เขียนโปรแกรมจำลองการทำงานของ invokedynamic ด้วย java a...
On finding our technology stack
On finding our technology stack,When we first started developing software commercially, we were often unsure what technology stack to pick when starting a new project. But now, a f...
4 ways to upload multipart file(s) in spring webflux
4 ways to upload multipart file(s) in spring webflux,I have involved in microservice based system design and development using spring webflux for quite a long time. During my work ...
Finding similarity using Edit Distance-Information Retrieval
Finding similarity using Edit Distance-Information Retrieval,Edit distance is a way of quantifying how dissimilar two strings are to one another by counting the minimum number of o...
Install Oracle Java JDK in Ubuntu Linux
Install Oracle Java JDK in Ubuntu Linux,Oracle Java SE 13 was released September 2019. The latest update of Java JDK is 13.0.2. In this post we install the JDK in Ubuntu Linux 18.0...
Mocking Logger in Java with Mockito
Mocking Logger in Java with Mockito,Yes, you read it correctly: 'Mocking Logger in Java'. That might sound very weird when you see this for the first time but there are some partic...
How developers should prepare for their future in data science today
How developers should prepare for their future in data science today,Most developers understand that the job interview questions they're asked right now might have little to no bea...
Introduction To Graph Data Structure
Introduction To Graph Data Structure, What is a Graph data structure? A Graph is a collection of vertices/nodes and edges in a way that vertices/nodes are connected by an edge. Gra...
[Part 1] Getting Started
[Part 1] Getting Started, welcome I'm guessing you are here because you would like to learn on how to get started making your own discord bot with Java. You have come to the right ...