Add JavaScript Actions to PDF in Java
Add JavaScript Actions to PDF in Java, About JavaScript and JavaScript Actions in PDF JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape Communications. Adobe has enhanced Ja...
digital transformation services
digital transformation services,NeuroGaint is an information technology solution Provider globally with a leadership focus on the delivery of products, solutions, and services. 原...
Using Kafka in 2022
Using Kafka in 2022,In case it helped :) We will cover briefly: Intro to Kafka Setup Kafka on machine Create Kafka Producer Create Kafka Consumer Running Producer and Consumer Int...
Básico efetivo sobre Coleções e Mapas com Java
Básico efetivo sobre Coleções e Mapas com Java, Básico efetivo sobre Coleções e Mapas com Java Durante meu início como Dev Java me vi em situações onde precisei parar, vol...
FileSync — The Android app I made for synchronising files & folders between devices
FileSync — The Android app I made for synchronising files & folders between devices,A few years back, after sitting in traffic for an hour listening to the radio, having forgotten...
Spring Native on established codebases
Spring Native on established codebases,Written by Gustavo Monarin de Sousa Originally published on August 19th 2021 In this blog post we will check out Java Native applications fro...
Clean Code Book
Clean Code Book,The book, clean code by Robert Martin is always listed in the 'list of books every developer must read'. This book was first published in 2008. That is 14 years ago...
My 15+ Reasons to use JHipster
My 15+ Reasons to use JHipster, My ️ JHipster (11 Part Series) 1 Why did I use JHipster? 2 My road map to learn JHipster ... 7 more parts... 3 My 15+ Reasons to use JHipster 4 I b...
12 Common uses of Java Streams
12 Common uses of Java Streams,Java Streams API was introduced in Java 8. Its aim is to provide a less verbose and concise way to carry out common operations on collections of obje...
Guess Who—My Azure Trial Hackathon Submission
Guess Who—My Azure Trial Hackathon Submission, Overview of My Submission A Guess Who game implemented in Java on the backend, vanilla JavaScript on the frontend, and backed by Azu...
A Guide to Lottie in HarmonyOS
A Guide to Lottie in HarmonyOS, Introduction I can hardly imagine any application without animations, fancy designs, at least there is one component on the screen which is interact...
Comment je suis arrivé à développer en Java sur le cloud grâce à GitPod
Comment je suis arrivé à développer en Java sur le cloud grâce à GitPod, Les IDE Cloud Depuis plusieurs années les IDE Cloud font parler d’eux. La première fois que j’ai e...