Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect
Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect, Spring Boot Tips (4 Part Series) 1 Running Spring Boot App and PostgreSQL in single container 2 Creating Custom Hibernate Dialect 3 Using param o...
Integrating GraphQL in Spring boot Project guideline
Integrating GraphQL in Spring boot Project guideline,In this blog, we will learn graphql API in spring boot and see graphql schema, query, etc. we are going to implement graphql in...
Striver’s SDE Sheet Journey – #12 Count inversions in an array
Striver's SDE Sheet Journey - #12 Count inversions in an array, Problem Statement :- Given an array of N integers, count the inversion of the array. An inversion is defined for a p...
How to read file from test resources in java unit test
How to read file from test resources in java unit test,Use the getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream() to get an InputStream for the wanted resource. In the following sni...
Abstraction, Encapsulation & Inheritance
Abstraction, Encapsulation & Inheritance,Hopefully, these explanations make the principles easier to understand. In this article, I'll tackle Abstraction, Encapsulation and Inherit...
GitHub Actions using the Standard Banking Demo: Put Your First Workflow in Action
GitHub Actions using the Standard Banking Demo: Put Your First Workflow in Action, GitHub Actions and CI/CD (4 Part Series) 1 Get Started with GitHub Actions 2 GitHub Actions using...
Security Puzzle (Log4J Edition)
Security Puzzle (Log4J Edition),Apache Log4J has been in the spotlight for its JNDI feature introducing a major security flaw in december. Here is the function for JNDI lookups mod...
How the JVM Works
How the JVM Works, Introduction When we write programs (source code) in Java (or in any other compiled language), the execution process is as follows: The source code written by th...
Using GraphQL Java with Spring
Using GraphQL Java with Spring,GraphQL Java is one of the most popular GraphQL server-side implementations for Java that I've found (with over 5k stars at the time of writing). If ...
JPA One To Many example with Hibernate and Spring Boot
JPA One To Many example with Hibernate and Spring Boot,In this tutorial, I will show you how to implement Spring JPA One-To-Many mapping with Hibernate in a Spring Boot CRUD exampl...
Java Refactor Examples SDE
Java Refactor Examples SDE,Java Refactor Examples By Rob van de Vijver, HZ HBO ICT second year student. Date: 9 January 2022 Code language: Java Code Editor used: Visual Studio Cod...
Functional Interfaces in Kotlin
Functional Interfaces in Kotlin,Hello everyone, almost all of us have seen code like view.setOnClickListener { } or view.setOnLongClickListener { } in Kotlin, and when you click on...