Let’s Build Tic Tac Toe in Java
Let's Build Tic Tac Toe in Java,Recently, I have wanted to broaden my horizon and have started to learn Java. I’ve watched online lectures, read forums, and practice small bits of...
SEMESTER PROJECT DEMO,Hello All, Hope all of you are doing well!. I have completed my 4th semester and in which I have developed a real world Tour Management project. Demo can be s...
printf() in Java
printf() in Java,Hello People I hope you are doing well. Yes so you have read the title of the article, printf() in Java, I have recently came across this method, I did some resear...
Read and Sort Data Generically – Generics in Java
Read and Sort Data Generically - Generics in Java,I will demonstrate a Generic Java Class that will read and write the objects any type of object passed to it (any Primitive Dataty...
Run the first automation using Selenium and Java
Run the first automation using Selenium and Java,Selenium is the first thing that comes to mind when one is planning to automate the testing of web applications. Selenium is a bene...
Room database. Repository
Room database. Repository, Android (20 Part Series) 1 Android activity and lifecycle 2 The Basics of a Fragment ... 16 more parts... 3 Basic Fragment implementation with Android. 4...
Android Room database
Android Room database, Android (20 Part Series) 1 Android activity and lifecycle 2 The Basics of a Fragment ... 16 more parts... 3 Basic Fragment implementation with Android. 4 Get...
Valid Mountain Array — Solution and Approch in Java
Valid Mountain Array — Solution and Approch in Java,I have started practising for my interviews on Leetcode and thought of sharing each problem and the approach i use for solving ...
Spring boot + Keycloak – protegendo suas APIs (parte 2)
Spring boot + Keycloak - protegendo suas APIs (parte 2),Na primeira parte do tutorial foi incluído uma segurança básica nas nossas APIs. Nesta segunda parte vamos adicionar regr...
Código Limpo by Uncle Bob
Código Limpo by Uncle Bob, 'Foi visitar um amigo? Antes de sair da casa dele, deixe a casa mais limpa do que ela estava quando chegou.' Essa é a lição que tiro sobre o primeiro...
Java Quickie. Threads vs Processes
Java Quickie. Threads vs Processes, Java Quickies (16 Part Series) 1 Java Quickies. Exceptions 2 Java Quickies. Paths ... 12 more parts... 3 Java Quickies. Arrays, Lists and ArrayL...
How to motivate myself
How to motivate myself,I am a major computer science, I have been coding for 2 years know, Still on school for my last year. I wanted to learn new stuff, a new Programming language...