Spring Configuration
Spring Configuration, Spring Framework (24 Part Series) 1 Spring Configuration 2 External Properties in Spring ... 20 more parts... 3 Profiles in Spring 4 Spring Expression Languag...
How-to #2. Audit trail using envers
How-to #2. Audit trail using envers, Motivation Consider case when changes that user or some system makes to the data in the database need to be tracked. Sometimes it is the requir...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7, Day 7: Yay! Finished the first course in Java (9 hours). It took me a lot of time to work with checkstyle and pmd, but they are working now. :D I'm ...
Create Form Fields in Word in Java
Create Form Fields in Word in Java,You can create a template Word document with legacy form fields that others can fill in. Basically, there are three types of legacy form field ty...
Better way to store Enum values in MongoDB
Better way to store Enum values in MongoDB,If you want to save Java Enum value to DB as Enum name, then the Mongo driver supports that. For example, if you have an enum public enum...
What do You do When You’re Stuck?
What do You do When You're Stuck?,I just completed my second week of Java bootcamp at Tech Elevator. This week we learned more data structures than I thought my brain could handle ...
Role of Java in modern web development
Role of Java in modern web development,If you look at current tech Twitter, Reddit, etc.. Java gets an unreasonable amount of hate. All the discussion is about full-stack JavaScrip...
My Gripes about C-Style for-loops
My Gripes about C-Style for-loops,One of the most useful (and often one of the most fundamental) concepts when learning to code is looping. Loops are all around us, in virtually ev...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #6
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #6, Day 6: 6) Ongoing: Basic Development in Java Topic 4: Characteristics of Java language Created a Java project in IntelliJ with examples to learn som...
How to Use Keycloak With a Spring Boot Application
How to Use Keycloak With a Spring Boot Application,In this post, I will show how to use Keycloak in a Spring Boot application. Before we use Keycloak, we will cover some basics abo...
The Code Speaks for Itself – Generating API docs for Spring Applications
The Code Speaks for Itself – Generating API docs for Spring Applications, Introduction Programming is mostly about communication, and one of the most time-consuming parts of this ...
Maven Dependency in Eclipse
Maven Dependency in Eclipse,Learn step by step setting up and resolution of maven dependency using eclipse IDE. Read On 原文链接:Maven Dependency in Eclipse