Extending Hibernate Dialects
Extending Hibernate Dialects, Overview Spring Data JPA paired with Hibernate gives you a whole lot of power, just right out of the box. You can write plain language queries that wi...
Stay in the L(OOP) with Object-Oriented Programming Basics
Stay in the L(OOP) with Object-Oriented Programming Basics, 'Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California.' -Edsger Dijks...
Systemic Cloud Migration Hands-on Guide to Architecture, Design and Technical Implementation
Systemic Cloud Migration Hands-on Guide to Architecture, Design and Technical Implementation,I would like to share the book that was printed by @Apress. It is focused on cloud migr...
Dependency Injection – Spring
Dependency Injection - Spring, Basics Spring has lot of modules start.spring.io lists many spring modules which you can configure spring boot is useful to build RESTfull web servic...
Microservices concepts – Java
Microservices concepts - Java, Microservices Concepts (Using Java technologies) In microservices we can have multiple services running, and each service can have multiple instances...
Reduzindo a quantidade de Branchs na criação de Objetos com uma estrutura plugável
Reduzindo a quantidade de Branchs na criação de Objetos com uma estrutura plugável,Você já se deparou com o cenário em que criar objetos, de forma dinâmica, usando algum par...
Springboot+Docker+Minikube+Kubectl – Continuous Integration(CI) Local
Springboot+Docker+Minikube+Kubectl - Continuous Integration(CI) Local,In this blog, we will try to learn springboot with docker and deploying it to local k8s cluster hosted with mi...
How to make a get Request to this Api and display all the data https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/todos
How to make a get Request to this Api and display all the data https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/todos,How to make a get Request to using RetroFit Api and display all the data https:/...
Programação Orientada a Aspectos
Programação Orientada a Aspectos,Dando sequência aos meus estudos sobre Micronaut, dei de cara com mais um conceito que não conhecia muito e resolvi pesquisar mais sobre. Dessa...
Multiple Hierarchical Contexts in Spring Boot
Multiple Hierarchical Contexts in Spring Boot, TL;DR In addition to creating only one ApplicationContext in a typical Spring Boot application, there is a possibility to create mult...
Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services
Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services, Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services I think testing is an essential thing in software development. And I’m not the only one. If you ...
Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions!
Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions!,Twilio is a developer platform for communications, the provided programmable Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are a set of build...