So You Think You Know Kpop (Android App)
So You Think You Know Kpop (Android App), Summary Built a celebrity guessing app as part of clip #84 of The Complete Android 8.0 Oreo Developer Course by Rob Percival and Nick Walt...
Lista ou Array? Qual usar?
Lista ou Array? Qual usar?, Memória Array Lista Quando a gente aprende a programar por conta própria, fora de um ambiente acadêmico, entender como as coisas funcionam por trás ...
My most used Java 8 Lambda functions
My most used Java 8 Lambda functions, Introduction Java 8 launched one of its best features: lambda functions - the first step of Java towards functional programming. Basically it ...
Spring Boot Introduction
Spring Boot Introduction, What is the Spring Boot? Spring is a powerful java-based open-source framework that is widely used for enterprise web applications. It is developed by Piv...
HTTP Request Method
HTTP Request Method,HTTP is effective communication for requests and responses between clients and servers. The message that is sent by a client to a server is what is known as an ...
Spring Security using OAuth2 with Angular JS
Spring Security using OAuth2 with Angular JS,The blog is originally published on my blog Sequence diagram of OAuth2 Flow Video Tutorial 原文链接:Spring Security ...
Your first Stripe Charge with Java + Spring in 5 minutes
Your first Stripe Charge with Java + Spring in 5 minutes,In this short series, we are going to look at how to create a charge to Stripe in a number of their officially supported la...
Spring Boot Part 5: voyeur, A Non-Trivial Application
Spring Boot Part 5: voyeur, A Non-Trivial Application,This series of articles examines Spring Boot features. This fifth article in the series presents a non-trivial application whi...
Implementing a Ternary Operator in Scala
Implementing a Ternary Operator in Scala, Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels Scala doesn't have the traditional ternary operator from Java // java var x = condition ? ifTrue : ifFal...