Liskov Substitution Principle in 3 Minutes
Liskov Substitution Principle in 3 Minutes,The Liskov Substitution Principle is the L in SOLID object oriented design, and despite having one of the more intimidating sounding name...
Clean Code of Lambda Usages in Java 8
Clean Code of Lambda Usages in Java 8, What is lambda function in java? Officially (java 8 docs), lambda expressions basically express instance...
Spring Initializr, Meet Your Perfect Match for Event-Driven Microservices: PubSub+
Spring Initializr, Meet Your Perfect Match for Event-Driven Microservices: PubSub+, If you’re not familiar with, it hosts the Spring Engineering team’s opinionate...
21 Best IntelliJ Plugins for 2019 (100% Free)
21 Best IntelliJ Plugins for 2019 (100% Free),Like other IDEs or CMSs before it, IntelliJ has quickly become more than an IDE. With its vast plugin marketplace, IntelliJ has turned...
Single Responsibility Principle
Single Responsibility Principle,The first concept in SOLID principles is the single responsibility principle. According to Robert Martin's Agile Software Development: Principles, P...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP, Introduction After looking at a lot of Java/JVM based NLP libraries listed on Awesome AI/ML/DL I decided to pick the Apache OpenNLP lib...
Reactive Spring Boot Restful Web Service + Google Books API
Reactive Spring Boot Restful Web Service + Google Books API,The idea of this post, the first of a series, is to demonstrate how to write a Spring Boot Restful Web Service that acce...
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Inheritance and Polymorphism,Inheritance is a way to base one class on another class, like a template built from an existing template. You could create a class called 'Dog' that ac...
mvn clean install – a short guide to Maven
mvn clean install - a short guide to Maven,You can use this guide to understand what a 'mvn clean install' really does. Also: A crash-course on Maven and workarounds for its most c...