Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package
Day 15: Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package, ci-2022-12 (27 Part Series) 1 The 2022 December CI Challenge 2 Day 2: Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async...
Criando um bloqueador de IP com python
Criando um bloqueador de IP com python,Várias vezes já me questionei de como dar um Block em um IP específico, com isso tive a ideia de criar um bloqueador de IP. Para criar um ...
Criando um CRUD simples com FastAPI
Criando um CRUD simples com FastAPI,Depois de muito tempo resolvi me aventurar criando uma API com FastAPI. Bom, para criar um CRUD (sigla para Create, Read, Update e Delete, que s...
Criando um CRUD simples com python
Criando um CRUD simples com python,Para criar um CRUD (sigla para Create, Read, Update e Delete, que são as operações básicas de um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados):...
pedumper: A new tool for dumping PE files
pedumper: A new tool for dumping PE files, Summary I have published a new tool for dumping PE files in the target memory on Windows The tool name is pedumper. Here is a link for th...
My favorite Python packages!
My favorite Python packages!,Python has a rich ecosystem of packages and tools. Because of its versatility, all manner of helper packages, command line tools, and rich libraries ha...
Spring Boot 3 JPA + Auth + JWT
Spring Boot 3 JPA + Auth + JWT, Description After the new release of spring boot 3, it was really hard to find tutorials on JWT Auth with real database user creation and role based...
Web Scraping CoinsMarketCap with Python: Selenium
Web Scraping CoinsMarketCap with Python: Selenium,When it comes to web scraping in Python, people usually have two choices: bs4 + requests Selenium (the so called webdriver!) Often...
3 motivos do porquê testes unitários não são suficientes para Microservices com Spring Boot
3 motivos do porquê testes unitários não são suficientes para Microservices com Spring Boot,Escrever testes automatizados já é rotina para maioria dos times de tecnologia, po...
How to Name Interfaces, Abstract Classes, and Their Implementations
How to Name Interfaces, Abstract Classes, and Their Implementations ,Naming abstract types and their implementations is challenging. Learn why you should avoid names like IReposito...
Python: SQLAlchemy — understanding sessions and associated queries.
Python: SQLAlchemy -- understanding sessions and associated queries.,In this post, we look at some of the basics of sessionmaker, scoped_session and their associated query methods....