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How GraalVM improves Ruby-拾光赋

How GraalVM improves Ruby

How GraalVM improves Ruby,Recently, there was a Java meetup held at work (Deepsource) where I gave my first ever talk, 'How GraalVM improves Ruby'. In this I talk about how the Jav...
Spring WebFlux and gRPC-拾光赋

Spring WebFlux and gRPC

Spring WebFlux and gRPC , ‍ Full list what has been used: Spring web framework Spring WebFlux Reactive REST Services gRPC Java gRPC gRPC-Spring-Boot-Starter gRPC Spring Boot Start...
How ChatGPT’s Coding Skills Got Me Drunk-拾光赋

How ChatGPT’s Coding Skills Got Me Drunk

How ChatGPT’s Coding Skills Got Me Drunk, ChatGPT helped me scrape cocktail websites to create a universal drink index. Lately, I've become a fan of making cocktails. After gettin...
Objectos Weekly #005: Java's contextual keywords, class names and method names-拾光赋

Objectos Weekly #005: Java’s contextual keywords, class names and method names

Objectos Weekly #005: Java's contextual keywords, class names and method names,Welcome to Objectos Weekly issue #005. This is the first issue sent via the email newsletter. If you ...
Java Factory Pattern with example Explained-拾光赋

Java Factory Pattern with example Explained

Java Factory Pattern with example Explained, Introduction The factory pattern is a creational design pattern in Java that provides an interface for creating objects in a super clas...
Configure seu ambiente java em poucos passos com sdkman-拾光赋

Configure seu ambiente java em poucos passos com sdkman

Configure seu ambiente java em poucos passos com sdkman,Todo Dev java já passou pela experiência de configurar seu ambiente de trabalho mexendo em variável de ambiente e outras ...
Probando SnapStart en funciones lambdas-拾光赋

Probando SnapStart en funciones lambdas

Probando SnapStart en funciones lambdas,SnapStart mejora el coldstart de las ejecuciones de las funciones lambdas en AWS, la documentación de esta configuración especifica que se...
API Testing with Java and Spring Boot Test - Part 1: The basic setup-拾光赋

API Testing with Java and Spring Boot Test – Part 1: The basic setup

API Testing with Java and Spring Boot Test - Part 1: The basic setup, API Testing with Java and Rest assured (2 Part Series) 1 API Testing with Java and Spring Boot Test - Part 1: ...
KuFlow as a Workflow Orchestrator-拾光赋

KuFlow as a Workflow Orchestrator

KuFlow as a Workflow Orchestrator,KuFlow, among other things, orchestrates workflows so you can manage your workflows more easily. With KuFlow, you ca...
How to Make Java MRZ Detector with Dynamsoft Label Recognizer for Windows and Linux-拾光赋

How to Make Java MRZ Detector with Dynamsoft Label Recognizer for Windows and Linux

How to Make Java MRZ Detector with Dynamsoft Label Recognizer for Windows and Linux,This article aims to help Java developers build desktop and server-side Java applications to det...
Build an Agent Assist Bot with Python-拾光赋

Build an Agent Assist Bot with Python

Build an Agent Assist Bot with Python,Icing my swollen, disfigured hand, I was sitting on the couch, unable to drive to the store to grab some bandages and medication for the inten...
Learn Test Driven Development with Django - Part 11 Password Reset-拾光赋

Learn Test Driven Development with Django – Part 11 Password Reset

Learn Test Driven Development with Django - Part 11 Password Reset,In this video, we will show you how to easily reset a password for a Django user. We will start by demonstrating ...