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Master Base64 Decoding Today!-拾光赋

Master Base64 Decoding Today!

Master Base64 Decoding Today!, Introduction Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 repre...
Embedding Bokeh into HTML with Pyscript, a CSS resize handle & Custom JS callback passing results back to a div on our html page-拾光赋

Embedding Bokeh into HTML with Pyscript, a CSS resize handle & Custom JS callback passing results back to a div on our html page

Embedding Bokeh into HTML with Pyscript, a CSS resize handle & Custom JS callback passing results back to a div on our html page, Python in the Browser, Fetching JSON from an AWS S...
How I approach new problems as backend engineer-拾光赋

How I approach new problems as backend engineer

How I approach new problems as backend engineer,I was thrilled when I received the email confirming my acceptance into the HNG Internship (HNG 11) 2024 edition. Enrolling in the ba...
Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: Implementing Entity Audit Logging in Java [Part-2/2]-拾光赋

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: Implementing Entity Audit Logging in Java [Part-2/2]

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: Implementing Entity Audit Logging in Java [Part-2/2], Entity Audit Logging (2 Part Series) 1 Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: I...| #127: Explica este código Python-拾光赋| #127: Explica este código Python| #127: Explica este código Python, (189 Part Series) 1, aprende Python con ejercicios prácticos en Español 2| #01: Expli...| #128: Explica este código Python-拾光赋| #128: Explica este código Python| #128: Explica este código Python, (189 Part Series) 1, aprende Python con ejercicios prácticos en Español 2| #01: Expli...
LeetCode Day20 BackTracking Part 2-拾光赋

LeetCode Day20 BackTracking Part 2

LeetCode Day20 BackTracking Part 2, 39. Combination Sum Given an array of distinct integers candidates and a target integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of cand...
Python: try - except block-拾光赋

Python: try – except block

Python: try - except block,Generally it is good practice to keep the try and except blocks as small and specific as possible. This is because it helps you identify exactly which se...
Java Basics-拾光赋

Java Basics

Java Basics, Java public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println('Hello, World!'); } } Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode Creating Va...
core java-Basics-拾光赋

core java-Basics

core java-Basics, Day-2 Let's Continue.......................................... in java we are having '3' basic Programming elements we know 1) Class [Class is use above 90% in ja...
Python Basics 5: Conditionals-拾光赋

Python Basics 5: Conditionals

Python Basics 5: Conditionals,Hey guys! Welcome again! Today we're gonna learn about conditionals. Python conditional is one of the core topics in learning python as a beginner and...
A Newbie’s Aspiration as a Backend Developer through HNG Internship.-拾光赋

A Newbie’s Aspiration as a Backend Developer through HNG Internship.

A Newbie’s Aspiration as a Backend Developer through HNG Internship.,My Journey as a Newbie in Backend Track. Hello everyone, My name is Odefunke. I am a cybersecurity analyst wit...