Flags to enable jmx
Flags to enable jmx,JMX is the xray of the Java world, it allows you to see threads and memory snapshots, debug and track unoptimized hotspots in your application. The JDK comes wi...
Silly Name Generator
Silly Name Generator, Table of Contents Introduction Name Lists First Names Last Names Choosing a Name Main Introduction This is the first of the Impractical Python book by Lee Vau...
Profiling: check how long it takes to run a Python script
Profiling: check how long it takes to run a Python script,From Python’s official documentation: “A profile is a set of statistics that describes how often and for how long variou...
First Adventure in Malware Data Science
First Adventure in Malware Data Science,I haven’t been a software developer for very long, but I enjoy it. In my day job I do backend work in Flask, but I was looking for an excit...
How to Securely Store a Password in Java
How to Securely Store a Password in Java,A previous version of this article confused the process of 'hashing' with the process of 'encryption'. It's worth noting that, while simila...
Making a hash of data
Making a hash of data,When I was replacing peewee with PonyORM in my web publishing engine, I was evaluating a few options, including moving away from an ORM entirely and simply st...
Implementing Model Class Inheritance in SQLAlchemy
Implementing Model Class Inheritance in SQLAlchemy, Implementing Model Class Inheritance in SQLAlchemy (with Flask) SQLAlchemy is an Object-relational mapping (ORM) made for the Py...
How to reverse a list in Python
How to reverse a list in Python, Reversing a list in Python is really, really easy. This doesn't apply only to list but to sequence in general (string and tuple for example). msg =...
Everything you need to know about tree data structures
Everything you need to know about tree data structures, This post was originally published at iamtk.co. When you first learn to code, it’s common to learn arrays as the “main dat...
Optimize the Django ORM
Optimize the Django ORM,Recently, I have been optimizing some functions that were slower than expected. As with most MVPs, the initial iteration was to get something working and ou...
Builder Pattern, a first step to DSL
Builder Pattern, a first step to DSL,When you are looking for an explanation of Builder pattern, you will probably find some articles all showing a class dedicated to creating an o...
Bye Bye 403: Building a Filter Resistant Web Crawler Part II: Building a Proxy List
Bye Bye 403: Building a Filter Resistant Web Crawler Part II: Building a Proxy List, originally published on the Coding Duck blog: www.ccstechme.com/coding-duck-blog Woohooo! We've...