Are you using seconds or milliseconds? Don’t lose a Mars orbiter over it!
Are you using seconds or milliseconds? Don’t lose a Mars orbiter over it!,If you need an object that includes time, you’re probably going to need to convert it. Unit conversion i...
What is the difference between public, protected, and private in Java?
What is the difference between public, protected, and private in Java?, Why we care When modifying Java access, the general rule is to use only the minimum level of access that is ...
Use google spread sheets as your database
Use google spread sheets as your database,Today, we will see how we can use google spread sheets as our database. Like, if you are creating some internal app and you think you migh...
NLTK revisited
NLTK revisited, NLTK revisited: why When you start working with some text-analysis project, sooner or later you will encounter the following problem: Where to find sample text, how...
Optimizing AWS Java Lambdas
Optimizing AWS Java Lambdas,This was originally authored by Stephanie Gawroriski (Xer) on the IOpipe blog. If your Java lambdas are running slow, it can be a nightmare to find the ...
With what approach to verify the logic of the code you design
With what approach to verify the logic of the code you design,Here I came up with quite a simple discussion for the case when a block of code you design is to be tested. What kind ...
The Jinja2 Template: Web Templates for Python
The Jinja2 Template: Web Templates for Python, originally published on the Coding Duck blog: So I was having a conversation with a friend/colleag...
What plugins do you use for PyCharm?
What plugins do you use for PyCharm?, After testing Atom and Sublime, I've been figuring my way around PyCharm for my python/flask/django development adventures, and I always find ...
Interfaces de comandos con Python
Interfaces de comandos con Python, Interfaces de comandos sencillas con Python. Entre las muchas cosas para las que uso Python está escribir pequeñas herramientas de líneas de c...
Tacotron – Creating speech from text
Tacotron - Creating speech from text, 原文链接:Tacotron - Creating speech from text
Automate AWS security group with CloudFlare IPs
Automate AWS security group with CloudFlare IPs,I'm a big fan of Cloudflare. Even the basic free service offers numerous caching and security features which would be pretty time co...