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Object detection Part 5 - Evaluation and Tensorboard [Tensorflow]-拾光赋

Object detection Part 5 – Evaluation and Tensorboard [Tensorflow]

Object detection Part 5 - Evaluation and Tensorboard [Tensorflow], 原文链接:Object detection Part 5 - Evaluation and Tensorboard [Tensorflow]
SaaS Like Isolation in Django Rest Framework-拾光赋

SaaS Like Isolation in Django Rest Framework

SaaS Like Isolation in Django Rest Framework,Cross-posted from my personal blog Hi there! In this post, we talk about how to add SaaS-like isolation to...
Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 Command-拾光赋

Design Patterns in Web Development – #1 Command

Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 Command, Design Patterns in Web Development (3 Part Series) 1 Design Patterns in Web Development 2 Design Patterns in Web Development - #1 C...
Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]-拾光赋

Object detection Part 4 – Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]

Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow], 原文链接:Object detection Part 4 - Training in the cloud [Tensorflow]
Java is still free!-拾光赋

Java is still free!

Java is still free!,I see a lot of posts lamenting about how Java is now being paid for. I feel a lot of people are getting it wrong...and right. Oracle JDK Perhaps when you starte...
Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow]-拾光赋

Object detection Part 3 – Local training [Tensorflow]

Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow], 原文链接:Object detection Part 3 - Local training [Tensorflow]
Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.-拾光赋

Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.

Interesting JDK 12 features to watch out for.,With the new 6 months Java release cycle, you should expect cool features to get to developers at a faster rate. I have seen some cool...
Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?-拾光赋

Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?

Thoughts about sanitizing this Python RSS-scraping code?,I've banged out a quick-and-dirty Python script to generate HTML that displays the bilingual tech comic 'CommitStrip' side-...
Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!-拾光赋

Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!

Add an Emoji Favicon to your site!,Hey there, this is my first post on, so I thought I'd share a short little trick I learned that makes websites look better! For starters, ...
Generating data classes in Java-拾光赋

Generating data classes in Java

Generating data classes in Java,Kotlin has a concise syntax to declare data classes: data class User(val name: String, val age: Int) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode The ...
Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3-拾光赋

Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3

Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3, simple-python-project-progression (2 Part Series) 1 Converting a csv writer from Python 2 to Python 3 2 Dockerizing a Simple Pyth...
TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008)-拾光赋

TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008)

TetrisDAI – Tetris in Java (May 2008),“TetrisDAI” is an open source Tetris clone (highly modular) written in Java 1.6 (aka Java SE 6) with NetBeans. It is my first Java game and...