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A short list of Data Science resources #4-拾光赋

A short list of Data Science resources #4

A short list of Data Science resources #4,Also in the last days I stumbled upon some interesting resources related to data science. I hope that can be useful for someone else. If y...
A little speed issue with openpyxl-拾光赋

A little speed issue with openpyxl

A little speed issue with openpyxl,This is taken from a blog post I wrote a little earlier this year. I'm reposting a version of it here to better get a feel for this site. Recentl...
How to use PowerMockito whenNew-拾光赋

How to use PowerMockito whenNew

How to use PowerMockito whenNew,PowerMockito.whenNew is a powerful function to stub a constructor. This article will demonstrate some scenario when we use whenNew and some gotchas ...
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts Eclipse, IntelliJ, Win, Browser-拾光赋

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts Eclipse, IntelliJ, Win, Browser

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts Eclipse, IntelliJ, Win, Browser, The very powerful weapon for improving productivity and speed of work during any work on the computer. This is some of ke...
Selection Sort Algorithm In Java-拾光赋

Selection Sort Algorithm In Java

Selection Sort Algorithm In Java,Selection sort is a sorting algorithm, specifically an in-place comparison sort and is used for sorting an array of integers. The algorithm divides...
Insertion Sort in Java-拾光赋

Insertion Sort in Java

Insertion Sort in Java,Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time. The algorithm iterates over the list and removes the c...
Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java-拾光赋

Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java

Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java,Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time. The algorithm iterates over the list and rem...
Shell Sort Algorithm in Java-拾光赋

Shell Sort Algorithm in Java

Shell Sort Algorithm in Java,Shell Sort is an in-place comparison sort algorithm. Shell Sort is a generalization of insertion sort that allows the exchange of items that are far ap...
Merge Sort Algorithm in Java-拾光赋

Merge Sort Algorithm in Java

Merge Sort Algorithm in Java,Merge Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm as the algorithm splits the original array into smaller logical sections. The algorithm can be implemented...
Quick Sort Algorithm in Java-拾光赋

Quick Sort Algorithm in Java

Quick Sort Algorithm in Java,Quick Sort, also known as partition-exchange sort, is an efficient divide and conquer sorting algorithm. The algorithm can be implemented making use of...
Counting Sort in Java-拾光赋

Counting Sort in Java

Counting Sort in Java,Counting Sort is an integer sorting algorithm. Counting Sort are unlike other sorting algorithms in that it makes certain assumptions about the data. It count...
Make your own GeoIP API-拾光赋

Make your own GeoIP API

Make your own GeoIP API, Introduction This article shows you how to maintain your own GeoIP database and to implement an API around it. The Data The data is publicly and freely ava...