A short list of Data Science resources #5
A short list of Data Science resources #5,Also this week I decided to gather some interesting resources, related to data science and Python, that I found in the last days. I hope t...
TIL: Python Comprehensions Make Matrices Work
TIL: Python Comprehensions Make Matrices Work,Hello world! First, a super brief introduction: my name is Ry, and I’m midway through a web development bootcamp in Chicago. I was a ...
Advent of Code 2015 – My Day 1 Solutions
Advent of Code 2015 - My Day 1 Solutions,Hello! This is my first post on DEV, and my first year attempting to complete the Advent of Code. EDIT Oops! This is from 2015! I had start...
Digest of papers: Why Functional Programming Matters
Digest of papers: Why Functional Programming Matters, Digest of papers (3 Part Series) 1 Digest of papers: Why Functional Programming Matters 2 Digest of Papers: Monads For Functio...
Advent of Code Day 3
Advent of Code Day 3,Another day, another Advent of Code challenge! As per usual, you can read the problem statement for today’s challenge here. I’m solving each of these problem...
5 Python Libraries We Love
5 Python Libraries We Love, Nylas is a Python shop, and while we use a lot of the Python libraries you’d expect to see in an email API codebase, like datetime, imaplib, and xml pa...
Create a document using python-docx and send as attachment through django
Create a document using python-docx and send as attachment through django,I have created a document using docx and tried to send as an email attachment without saving the document ...
Should you migrate an existing enterprise Java application to serverless architecture?
Should you migrate an existing enterprise Java application to serverless architecture?,Last week Marek Sadowski and I presented Introduction to Serverless with IBM Cloud Functions:...
Implementing auto-completion by Regex
Implementing auto-completion by Regex,Using an input as a pattern(this is a reversed way of major use cases), you can implement a simple word auto-completion feature easily! import...
@OneToMany relations in Hibernate and its perils
@OneToMany relations in Hibernate and its perils,Recently, I had trouble persisting an object with Hibernate. I would like to depict my journey along the well-known example of docu...
How to get elements in a list of tuples with ordered numbers in for-loop
How to get elements in a list of tuples with ordered numbers in for-loop,I faced a case to use elements in a list of tuples with ordered numbers. And it works. example_list = [('a'...