Lambda expressions
Lambda expressions,The principal purpouse of this operator is declare anonymous functions(throw-away functions). General syntax argument list : expression Examples A typical exampl...
What should I call my Python library?
What should I call my Python library?,I've created a Python library that contains many useful functions. At the moment, it's called Quilt but I've realised that such name has alrea...
Digest of Papers: Monads For Functional Programming
Digest of Papers: Monads For Functional Programming, Digest of papers (3 Part Series) 1 Digest of papers: Why Functional Programming Matters 2 Digest of Papers: Monads For Function...
Blazing fast Python
Blazing fast Python, Profiling Python applications using Pyflame This post originally appeared on Build Smarter. Perhaps you’ve faced the fortunate challenge of scaling up a Pytho...
Deep dive into Java Executor service framework – Part 1
Deep dive into Java Executor service framework - Part 1, Introduction: Hello folks! This is my first technical blog that am starting to write under my domain. I used to be an avid ...
Python’s ‘heapq’ module
Python's 'heapq' module,Often when working with collections of data, you may want to find the smallest or largest item. It's easy enough to write a function that iterates through t...
Homemade Machine Learning in Python
Homemade Machine Learning in Python, Image source I’ve recently launched Homemade Machine Learning repository that contains examples of popular machine learning algorithms and app...
Asyncio, the invincible
Asyncio, the invincible,Async programming is the new sexy when it comes to multitasking. It became famous with NodeJS but you can find libraries that support it in most major langu...
JavaScript vs. Python: Default Function Parameter Values
JavaScript vs. Python: Default Function Parameter Values,Yesterday I tweeted my excitement about the way JavaScript handles the evaluation of default values for function parameters...
HR Software Companies Use The Nylas Calendar API to Accelerate Time to Market
HR Software Companies Use The Nylas Calendar API to Accelerate Time to Market, Automation is all around us, from self-driving cars to automatic payments, from virtual assistants li...
How to Get Full Calendar Sync & CRUD with the Nylas Calendar API
How to Get Full Calendar Sync & CRUD with the Nylas Calendar API, Need to build a calendar integration? Power your application with real-time, secure calendar sync with as little a...