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#100DaysOfCoding changed my life...-拾光赋

#100DaysOfCoding changed my life…

#100DaysOfCoding changed my life..., ... and I'm only on Day [003/100]! The first time I heard of the #100DaysOfCoding challenge was in 2014. I read an article about Jennifer Dewal...
Making an IDE-拾光赋

Making an IDE

Making an IDE,Hi, Me and my friend are planning on creating an IDE for Java, But we haven't really worked on such thing and we are wondering how difficult this could be, and also w...
Automatic Reporting in Python - Part 3: Packaging It Up-拾光赋

Automatic Reporting in Python – Part 3: Packaging It Up

Automatic Reporting in Python - Part 3: Packaging It Up, Automatic Reporting in Python (3 Part Series) 1 Automatic Reporting in Python - Part 1: From Planning to Hello World 2 Auto...
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java #10: Pyramid-拾光赋

Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java #10: Pyramid

Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java #10: Pyramid,This series of articles follows Stephen Grider's Udemy course in three different languages. Today's question is a slight v...
Framework-less REST API in Java-拾光赋

Framework-less REST API in Java

Framework-less REST API in Java, Java ecosystem is packed with frameworks and libraries. For sure not as many as in JavaScript world and they don't get old as quickly too but still...
How to extract text and metadata from text and presentation templates-拾光赋

How to extract text and metadata from text and presentation templates

How to extract text and metadata from text and presentation templates,Extract text and metadata from a number of different text and presentation templates on Java platform using Gr...
Q: How Much of

Q: How Much of “the Kotlin Way” Is the Right Way?

Q: How Much of 'the Kotlin Way' Is the Right Way?,NOTE: This post was originally intended to provoke a discussion, and despite its length, the original goal is still the same. Plea...
Creating a json repository-拾光赋

Creating a json repository

Creating a json repository, Intro A few days ago , i start refactoring and reimplementing a tiny json repository that i create at work, the main reason was provide a fast implement...
Java 8 lambdas: 101-拾光赋

Java 8 lambdas: 101

Java 8 lambdas: 101,All you need is 5 minutes to grok the Lambda expressions introduced in Java 8. This post acts as a starter by quickly demonstrating how lambdas are super cool i...


norris-cli,Best feeling I've had this year: seeing something I did listed on PyPi It's a really simple cli app that get's a random joke from every time you run it. I...
Kotlin for Android-拾光赋

Kotlin for Android

Kotlin for Android,Hey Guys, My name is Amir and I want to learn Kotlin for Android. Unfortunately I don't have any background knowledge in Java, so I wonder if it is possible to l...
JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) - a new IoT and messaging protocol-拾光赋

JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) – a new IoT and messaging protocol

JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) - a new IoT and messaging protocol,Dear fellow developers, After using MQTT in many of my IoT projects in last few years, I have realized t...