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Types: When I use, when I don't.-拾光赋

Types: When I use, when I don’t.

Types: When I use, when I don't., Introduction Below is my personal perspective :) If I write a one-page program, I don't mind having no types, zero types, -1 types, and I'm happy ...
Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions - Part 3-拾光赋

Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions – Part 3

Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions - Part 3,Orignally posted at Picking up where we left off in Part II, let's set the stage for using a validator. We lef...
The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java-拾光赋

The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java

The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java, Photo by Jon Tyson on  Unsplash The first one-million dollar question that comes to every Android developer while starting a new projec ...


エポック秒から指定されたタイムゾーンの日付を取得する,エポック秒とタイムゾーンを指定して日付を取得する。 // 2017/10/01 00:00:00 のエポック秒 Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(...


文字列連結のパフォーマンス,Java本格入門で紹介されていた文字列連結を試す。1 10万回 1万回 5千回 千回 StringBuilder 7.4 0.7 0.5 0.1 String#concat 11.5 1.8 1.5 0.6 +演算子 3453.5 106....


カレンダーの行数を求める,カレンダーの行数を求める。 算出方法は以下を参考。 int calendarRows(LocalDate date) { if (date == null) { throw...
JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic-拾光赋

JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic

JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic,JAVA and Object Oriented Programming Basic Ashikur Rahman Any real-life entity/object have two parts Properties (Describes its height, we...
Build a PowerSet-拾光赋

Build a PowerSet

Build a PowerSet, What is a PowerSet? Why is it called a PowerSet? Is it good or bad for us? Will I need it on my next Angular/Machine learning project? If we look at Wikipedia for...
IntelliJ or Eclipse?-拾光赋

IntelliJ or Eclipse?

IntelliJ or Eclipse?, 原文链接:IntelliJ or Eclipse?
Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin-拾光赋

Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin

Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin,In today’s post I would like to talk about one of the projects I’m working on. I define it as light HTTP framework and it is made in pure Kot...
Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome... Or is it???-拾光赋

Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome… Or is it???

Writing Java Command Line Tools is Cumbersome... Or is it???, Simple Java Tools The JDK comes with a lot of great command-line tools on its own that support development. But on eve...
Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet-拾光赋

Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet

Java 8 Stream Cheatsheet,Originally posted at Streams are a way of working with objects in a collection. Streams allow a person to say what they want to have a...