Multi-Tenant Applications With JHipster
Multi-Tenant Applications With JHipster,Modern web applications are complex; there are a multitude of ways of building them and a seemingly endless set of technology choices. Start...
Modern Java Programming Course For Beginners
Modern Java Programming Course For Beginners,Java is constantly adding new features and improvements to keep it at the top. Unfortunately, a lot of courses and learning materials a...
Java distributed caching in the cloud with the new Azure discovery plugin for Hazelcast
Java distributed caching in the cloud with the new Azure discovery plugin for Hazelcast,Many thanks to Alparslan Avci and Mesut Celik from Hazelcast for their very precious help wh...
I would give you a hand, but handshake is @deprecated
I would give you a hand, but handshake is @deprecated, 原文链接:I would give you a hand, but handshake is @deprecated
Como criar uma linguagem usando ANTLR4 e Java
Como criar uma linguagem usando ANTLR4 e Java,Ao desenvolver qualquer ferramenta, você topará com a ingrata tarefa de escrever um parser. Usei o termo ingrata porque a principio ...
Java 14 Records :: did we live to see getters and setters die?
Java 14 Records :: did we live to see getters and setters die?, Is it the end of the line for getters, setters and Lombok project? Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash If you try to...
Everything about enum data type in Java
Everything about enum data type in Java,The goal of this article is to expose one to the enum data type in Java. I hope by reading this one would learn something new or brush up th...
️ Immutables/AutoValue/Lombok Which One?
️ Immutables/AutoValue/Lombok Which One?, Immutability in Java (2 Part Series) 1 Immutability in Java Made Easy 2 ️ Immutables/AutoValue/Lombok Which One? The article was initial...