How Kotlin provides 100% interoperability with Java?
How Kotlin provides 100% interoperability with Java?, “Kotlin is 100% interoperable with java” When you first searched about Kotlin in every blog post, community talk or on YouTu...
Functional interfaces: Self-loathing in Kotlin
Functional interfaces: Self-loathing in Kotlin, This post is a copy from previous posts on Medium (initial, follow-up) But since I'm planning on deleting my Medium account I moved ...
What are the Smart contracts?
What are the Smart contracts?, Technology behind Credits blockchain protocol (3 Part Series) 1 How to Reach Fast Transaction Processing Time 2 What are the Smart contracts? 3 How t...
What are JDK, JVM, and JRE? The exact difference between them.
What are JDK, JVM, and JRE? The exact difference between them.,We all ask questions when we are learning something. The good programmers never accept things directly, they always a...
Kubernetes for Java Developers – Debug Application
Kubernetes for Java Developers - Debug Application, Java Kubernetes (4 Part Series) 1 Kubernetes for Java Developers - Setup 2 Kubernetes for Java Developers - Creating a docker im...
Data classification in 8 lines of code
Data classification in 8 lines of code,Classification is something very natural to do. Each time you look at something, you decide what group it belongs to. Is it a bird? is it a p...
Let’s Also Apply Run With Kotlin Scope Functions
Let's Also Apply Run With Kotlin Scope Functions, Scope Functions In Kotlin, scope functions allow to execute a function, i.e. a block of code, in the context of an object. The obj...