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Jinja - Short introduction and Sample Apps-拾光赋

Jinja – Short introduction and Sample Apps

Jinja - Short introduction and Sample Apps,Hello Coders, This article is a short introduction to Jinja, a modern templating language used by Python programmers in frameworks like F...
Searching for a Java2PHP translator-拾光赋

Searching for a Java2PHP translator

Searching for a Java2PHP translator,Hey here. This is my first post and I would like to know if is a Java2PHP translator exist. I already search on the clearnet so if you got a fun...
30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 28- ML & Data Science II-拾光赋

30 Days of Python ‍ – Day 28- ML & Data Science II

30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 28- ML & Data Science II, 30-days-of-python (30 Part Series) 1 30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 1 - Introduction 2 30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 2 - Data Types I ...
Processing Markdown in Python using available CommonMark implementations: cmarkgfm, paka.cmark, and mistletoe-拾光赋

Processing Markdown in Python using available CommonMark implementations: cmarkgfm, paka.cmark, and mistletoe

Processing Markdown in Python using available CommonMark implementations: cmarkgfm, paka.cmark, and mistletoe,Markdown is 'just enough markup' to write most of the documents I writ...
TQDM: Adding a Progress Bar to smiler-拾光赋

TQDM: Adding a Progress Bar to smiler

TQDM: Adding a Progress Bar to smiler,This week on my twitch live stream, I extended my tool/library smiler to use use a neural network to detect smiling faces: 1:09:00 Using a Con...


Python,I need help in master Python from start to finish so I can progress to machine learning 原文链接:Python
30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 27 - ML & Data Science I-拾光赋

30 Days of Python ‍ – Day 27 – ML & Data Science I

30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 27 - ML & Data Science I, 30-days-of-python (30 Part Series) 1 30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 1 - Introduction 2 30 Days of Python ‍ - Day 2 - Data Types I ...
Introducing Bhasha - A transcoder-拾光赋

Introducing Bhasha – A transcoder

Introducing Bhasha - A transcoder,We all speak different languages, the computers do so too. But from a programming perspective, it sometimes becomes a bit tedious to keep shifting...
Consuming an API in Python using requests-拾光赋

Consuming an API in Python using requests

Consuming an API in Python using requests,In this tutorial, we will learn how to consume an API in python using the requests library. We are going to use the joke API by 15katz. Cr...
AIDL deep dive post does not exist! Part - I-拾光赋

AIDL deep dive post does not exist! Part – I

AIDL deep dive post does not exist! Part - I, Introduction Hello there! I am going to talk about Android's parliamentary conversations. What do I mean by that? I mean, the IPC(Inte...
What was the Python library that blew your mind?-拾光赋

What was the Python library that blew your mind?

What was the Python library that blew your mind?,I mean That library that you would run to show it to a friend (if you had any) 原文链接:What was the Python library that blew your...
What is the best Stack for Backend ?-拾光赋

What is the best Stack for Backend ?

What is the best Stack for Backend ?,Friends,My team got a project to deliver to a client,We are looking at a micro service architecture, Therefore the Frontend is pretty much stra...