How to create a docker image for any Java project
How to create a docker image for any Java project,So you have finally decided to move to micro-services architecture or may be you have just decided that you want to run your appl...
How to structure your Java apps using JHipster
How to structure your Java apps using JHipster,7 years ago, JHipster had its initial release. It allowed developers to generate code for modern web applications that utilize the mi...
Java — Functional Interface
Java — Functional Interface, Java — Functional Interface Introduction The reason it’s called a “functional interface” is that it effectively acts like a function. Since yo...
Exploring Technology Specialist Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide
Exploring Technology Specialist Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide,In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, specialists play a pivotal role in driving innovation, implementing so...
Exploring Functional Programming in Java (for JavaScript Developers)
Exploring Functional Programming in Java (for JavaScript Developers),Functional programming (FP) has gained significant traction in recent years for its emphasis on immutability, p...
Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality
Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality, What is Data Wrangling and Data Quality and why it's important? Data Wrangling Data Wrangling is the process of transforming raw or received...
Using to make logging Spring Boot Applications easier and faster
Using to make logging Spring Boot Applications easier and faster,This blog post is jointly written by Julien Dubois (Microsoft) and Charlie Klein (, in order for Sp...
Spring Data Search 2.0.0 released
Spring Data Search 2.0.0 released,I'm happy to share with you the release 2.0.0 of Spring Data Search. This library allows to automatically expose endpoints in order to search for ...
The difficult road to Perl
The difficult road to Perl,Around 2010, I was in the middle of my CS studies and I was a pythonista. At that time, it was python 2.6 dominating but some people were starting to use...
Happy Path: Adding speech recognition to Vaadin apps.
Happy Path: Adding speech recognition to Vaadin apps., Web Applications with Voice Control (2 Part Series) 1 Always-Listening Voice Commands for Vaadin web applications 2 Happy Pat...
跨界协作:借助gRPC实现Python数据分析能力的共享,gRPC是一个高性能、开源、通用的远程过程调用(RPC)框架,由Google推出。它基于HTTP/2协议标准设计开发,默认采用Protocol Buffers数据序列化...
Breaking Down Dependency Inversion, IoC, and DI
Breaking Down Dependency Inversion, IoC, and DI,I was, knee-deep in the dependency injection system of NestJS, trying to figure out how it all worked. You know that feeling when yo...
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.