How to Deploy a Django Site in 2022
How to Deploy a Django Site in 2022,It’s a confusing place out there. You’ve built a great site with Django and the next step is getting it in front of people… but where to star...
XNA style Game class with Python/Pygame
XNA style Game class with Python/Pygame,XNA/MonoGame are great. You have such a wealth of classes at your disposable. There have been some great games made with it; Terraria and Ma...
OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi
OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi (5 Part Series) 1 Arduino to RPi -- Galvanically Isolated I2C 2 Blueberry Pi -- How I Setup My Raspberry Pi as a Robot Base 3 Pi Power -- How...
Gradleでマルチプロジェクト,Gradleは単一プロジェクトだけではなく複数のプロジェクトをまとめて扱うことができて、マルチプロジェクトと呼んでいます。 マルチプロジェクトではいくつかのレイ...
Javaで短いFizzBuzz,数年前にAnarchy Golfに投稿したjavaのFizzBuzzです。 懐しくて公開しました。 class f{public static void main(String[]a){for(int i=0;++i<101;)System.out.println((...
Overlord,Note, try as I might, guys, I can't get the numbers to line up in my HTML version of my code. Instead, you might just load it into Geany or Notepad+ to follow along, since...
通俗易懂动态表单自定义字段解决方案,动态表单自定义字段解决方案 1. 背景: 有些项目可能会有要求,客户可以自定义设计字段,并且字段还需要在后台设置可展示、可搜索。 2. 场景: 比如说报名...
A Friendly Overlord
A Friendly Overlord,I've been working on this one in silence for a bit. Awhile back it hit me, before I started growing my Overlord project in complexity I wanted to refine it for ...
JavaとApache MINAでお手軽にSSHサーバ作成
JavaとApache MINAでお手軽にSSHサーバ作成, はじめに Apache MINAを使うとJavaで簡単にSSHサーバを作ることができます。 以下はEmbedding SSHD in 5 minutesを元にしたSSHサーバのソースです。...
Source Code for Game of Life
Source Code for Game of Life,Last week I blogged about the Game of Life. Well it took some searching through dead hard drives and old USB storage but I found the program I wrote, a...
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.