Linux Security: The Rise of Attacks on Open-Source Projects and Protection Measures

Linux has long been considered one of the most secure operating systems. However, with the growing popularity of open-source projects, attackers have become more active in seeking vulnerabilities in this environment.

Why Has Linux Become a Target for Hackers?

Growing Role of Linux in Business: The operating system dominates servers, cloud computing, and IoT devices.

Increased Focus on Open-Source: Many critical libraries and applications are based on open-source solutions, making them vulnerable.

State Participation in Cyber Warfare: Cyberattacks involving nation-states are increasingly targeting Linux and open-source platforms (e.g., the Lazarus group).

Linux Security Measures Against Vulnerabilities

Strengthening Updates and Patching

Repository Authenticity Checks

SELinux, AppArmor, Sandboxing, and Others

Supply Chain Security Controls

In Conclusion:

Linux remains one of the most secure systems, but the rise of cyber threats makes securing its networks and software more important than ever.

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