Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda (6 Part Series)
1 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 1 AWS Serverless Java Container
2 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 2 AWS Lambda Web Adapter
… 2 more parts…
3 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS
4 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 4 Docker Container Image with Spring Cloud Function AWS
5 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 5 Docker Container Image with AWS Serverless Java Container
6 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 6 GraalVM Native Image with Spring Cloud Function AWS
In the article series Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda we already introduced how to develop the application using Lambda Docker Container Image runtime in the part 11. The sample application was based on Spring Cloud Function AWS and used Spring Boot 3.2. In the same article we also measured the performance (cold and warm start times ) of the Lambda function using this approach.
Not it’s time to use the upgraded version of our application introduced in the article Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS and deploy it using Docker Container Image as a AWS Lambda runtime.
I also decided to do some extended Lambda performance measurements using different Java compilation options.
How to write AWS Lambda function with Docker Container Image as a runtime with Spring Cloud Function AWS and Spring Boot 3.4
The steps to change the existing application with Java Corretto 21 runtime to be deployed as Docker Container Image runtime introduced in the article How to develop and deploy Lambda function with Java (21) runtime remain completely the same.
We need a Dockerfile and some changes in the template.yaml.
The sample simple application also remains the same, see the architecture below:
But I updated the application introduced in the article Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS to use Docker Container Image as a AWS Lambda runtime and published the source code in the spring-boot-3.4-with-spring-cloud-function-as-lambda-docker-image repository. Of course, since then other minor or major updates of the libraries have been released, but I assume that no other changes besides the version updates in the pom.xml are required to make the applications work.
Following needs to be installed in order to build and deploy the sample application:
- Java 21, for example Amazon Corretto 21
- Apache Maven
- Docker
In order to build the application, execute mvn clean package
In order to create and publish the Docker image of this application into the Amazon ECR repository follow the steps described in the article How to develop and deploy Lambda function with Java (21) runtime.
In order to build the application, execute sam deploy -g --image-repository {$ECR_REPOSITORY}
In order to create the product with id equal to 1, execute
curl -m PUT -d '{ "id": 1, "name": "Print 10x13", "price": 0.15 }' -H "X-API-Key: a6ZbcDefQW12BN56WSJ34" https://{$API_GATEWAY_URL}/prod/products
In order to retrieve the product with id equal to 1, execute
curl -H "X-API-Key: a6ZbcDefQW12BN56WSJ34" https://{$API_GATEWAY_URL}/prod/products/1
Measuring cold and warm start time of the AWS Lambda function with Docker Container Image as a runtime with Spring Cloud Function AWS and Spring Boot 3.4
All techniques to measure AWS Lambda performance introduced in the part 11 are also still valid. Lambda SnapStart can’t be enabled for the Docker Container Images as of now.
The results of the experiment below were as well based on reproducing more than 100 cold and approximately 100.000 warm starts with Lambda function GetProductByIdFunction with 1024 MB memory setting for the duration of 1 hour. For it I used the load test tool hey, but you can use whatever tool you want, like Serverless-artillery or Postman.
I additionally measured Lambda performance using 2 different Java compilation options : tiered compilation, which is the default compilation option in Java 21 and compilation option XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 for which you need to additionally set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable of the Lambda function to “-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1” in the template.yaml as showed below:
Runtime: java21
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1"
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So let’s provide the results of the measurement. Abbreviation c stays for the cold start and w is for the warm start.
Cold (c) and warm (w) start time in ms:
Scenario Number | c p50 | c p75 | c p90 | c p99 | c p99.9 | c max | w p50 | w p75 | w p90 | w p99 | w p99.9 | w max |
tiered compilation | 4609.08 | 4711.55 | 4777.94 | 5078.31 | 5170.50 | 5174.14 | 6.11 | 6.83 | 8.00 | 19.15 | 51.24 | 1402.18 |
-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 compilation | 4558.68 | 4627.54 | 4697.44 | 4768.40 | 5269.63 | 5270.84 | 6.15 | 6.88 | 7.88 | 18.92 | 51.23 | 1400.85 |
In this article, we updated our sample application introduced in the article Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS and deployed it using Docker Container Image as a AWS Lambda runtime. We also measured Lambda performance with the different Java compilation options. The results for both cold and warm start times were very close for both compilation option choices.
Compared to the Lambda performance measurements for Spring Boot 3.2 which we only did for the -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 compilation option we observe the comparable cold start times until p90, but lower cold start times for Spring Boot 3.4. starting from p99 which is the indication of the improvement how Docker image are loaded and cached. The warm start times for Spring Boot 3.4. are generally lower compared to Spring Boot 3.2. which is the indication of the performance improvement in the Spring Boot 3.4. and other dependencies used in our sample application.
It’s worth investigating which not required dependencies can be excluded in the pom.xml to reduce the cold start times, see some thoughts about it already described in the article Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS.
In next part of this series, we’ll update the sample application introduced in the article Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 1 AWS Serverless Java Container to be deployed as a Docker Container Image Lambda runtime.
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Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda (6 Part Series)
1 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 1 AWS Serverless Java Container
2 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 2 AWS Lambda Web Adapter
… 2 more parts…
3 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 3 Spring Cloud Function AWS
4 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 4 Docker Container Image with Spring Cloud Function AWS
5 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 5 Docker Container Image with AWS Serverless Java Container
6 Spring Boot 3.4 application on AWS Lambda- Part 6 GraalVM Native Image with Spring Cloud Function AWS