When working with Python, it’s best practice to use a separate virtual environment for each project to avoid dependency conflicts. Tools like PyCharm create virtual environments automatically, but you can just as easily do it via the command line:
to your project root and create a new virtual environmentRunning this command will create a
folder (a common name, but you can customize it if needed):python3 <span>-m</span> venv .venvpython3 <span>-m</span> venv .venv
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment
<span>source</span> .venv/bin/activate<span>source</span> .venv/bin/activate
source .venv/bin/activate
Once activated, your console should look like this:
<span>(</span>.venv<span>)</span> <user>@<computer> <FolderName><span>(</span>.venv<span>)</span> <user>@<computer> <FolderName>
(.venv) <user>@<computer> <FolderName>
You can leave the virtual environment by executing deactivate
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