Types of Arguments:
1) Positional Arguments
2) Variable Length Arguments
3) Keyword Arguments
4) Default Arguments
5) Keyword Only Arguments
6) Positional Only Arguments
7) Mutable default Arguments
Refer: https://builtin.com/software-engineering-perspectives/arguments-in-python
1) Positional Arguments:
–> During a function call, values passed through arguments should be in the order of parameters in the function definition. This is called positional arguments.
–> Keyword arguments should follow positional arguments only.
#Positional Argumentsdef display(first_name, last_name):print("Welcome", first_name, last_name)display("Guru", "Prasanna")#Positional Arguments def display(first_name, last_name): print("Welcome", first_name, last_name) display("Guru", "Prasanna")#Positional Arguments def display(first_name, last_name): print("Welcome", first_name, last_name) display("Guru", "Prasanna")
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Welcome Guru Prasanna
def find_total(l):total = 0for num in l:total+=numprint(total)marks = [90,56, 78]find_total(marks)def find_total(l): total = 0 for num in l: total+=num print(total) marks = [90,56, 78] find_total(marks)def find_total(l): total = 0 for num in l: total+=num print(total) marks = [90,56, 78] find_total(marks)
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2) Variable Length Arguments:
–> Variable-length arguments are also known as arbitrary arguments.
–> Same method/function with different number of arguments or with different types of arguments.
–> If we don’t know the number of arguments needed for the function in advance, we can use arbitrary arguments.
–> Arbitrary arguments come in two types:
- Arbitrary positional arguments- Arbitrary keyword arguments- Arbitrary positional arguments - Arbitrary keyword arguments- Arbitrary positional arguments - Arbitrary keyword arguments
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- Arbitrary positional arguments: An asterisk (*) is placed before a parameter in function definition which can hold non-keyword variable-length arguments.These arguments will be wrapped up in a tuple.
def find_total(*l):total = 0for num in l:total+=numprint(total)mark1 = 100mark2 = 90mark3 = 87find_total(mark1, mark2,mark3)find_total(45,54)find_total()def find_total(*l): total = 0 for num in l: total+=num print(total) mark1 = 100 mark2 = 90 mark3 = 87 find_total(mark1, mark2,mark3) find_total(45,54) find_total()def find_total(*l): total = 0 for num in l: total+=num print(total) mark1 = 100 mark2 = 90 mark3 = 87 find_total(mark1, mark2,mark3) find_total(45,54) find_total()
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277990277 99 0277 99 0
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- Arbitrary keyword arguments:A double asterisk (**) is placed before a parameter in a function which can hold keyword variable-length arguments.
def login(**args):print(args)login(name='raja', age=25, city='madurai')def login(**args): print(args) login(name='raja', age=25, city='madurai')def login(**args): print(args) login(name='raja', age=25, city='madurai')
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{'name': 'raja', 'age': 25, 'city': 'madurai'}{'name': 'raja', 'age': 25, 'city': 'madurai'}{'name': 'raja', 'age': 25, 'city': 'madurai'}
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3) Keyword Arguments:
–> All parameters are given as keyword arguments.
–> Keyword arguments should be given while calling the function, not in the function definition.
def display(*marks,name):print('Welcome', name)print(marks)display(90,80,name="Lakshmi")display(80,name="guru")def display(*marks,name): print('Welcome', name) print(marks) display(90,80,name="Lakshmi") display(80,name="guru")def display(*marks,name): print('Welcome', name) print(marks) display(90,80,name="Lakshmi") display(80,name="guru")
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Welcome Lakshmi(90, 80)Welcome guru(80,)Welcome Lakshmi (90, 80) Welcome guru (80,)Welcome Lakshmi (90, 80) Welcome guru (80,)
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4) Default Arguments:
- Default arguments are values that are provided while defining functions.
- The assignment operator = is used to assign a default value to the argument.
- Default arguments become optional during the function calls.
- If we provide a value to the default arguments during function calls, it overrides the default value.
- The function can have any number of default arguments.
- Default arguments should follow non-default arguments.
def login(username, password="admin"):print(username, password)login("abcd", "abcd")login("pqrs")def login(username, password="admin"): print(username, password) login("abcd", "abcd") login("pqrs")def login(username, password="admin"): print(username, password) login("abcd", "abcd") login("pqrs")
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abcd abcdpqrs adminabcd abcd pqrs adminabcd abcd pqrs admin
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Default vs. Keyword vs. Positional Arguments
Important Points to Remember for Default, Keyword and Positional Arguments
5) Keyword Only Arguments:
–> To mark parameters as keyword-only, place an * in the arguments list just before the first keyword-only parameter.
def add(*, no1, no2):return no1+no2print(add(10,20)) #TypeErrorprint(add(no1=100,no2=200))def add(*, no1, no2): return no1+no2 print(add(10,20)) #TypeError print(add(no1=100,no2=200))def add(*, no1, no2): return no1+no2 print(add(10,20)) #TypeError print(add(no1=100,no2=200))
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TypeError300TypeError 300TypeError 300
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6) Positional Only Arguments:
–> Positional-only parameters are placed before a / (forward-slash) in the function definition.
–> The / is used to logically separate the positional-only parameters from the rest of the parameters.
–> Parameters following the / may be positional-or-keyword or keyword-only.
def add(a,b,/,c,d):return a+b+c+dprint (add(3,4,c=1,d=2))print (add(3,4,2,d=1))def add(a,b,/,c,d): return a+b+c+d print (add(3,4,c=1,d=2)) print (add(3,4,2,d=1))def add(a,b,/,c,d): return a+b+c+d print (add(3,4,c=1,d=2)) print (add(3,4,2,d=1))
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101010 1010 10
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7) Mutable default Arguments
#Mutable Default Arguments:def add(no, l=[]):l.append(no)return lprint(add(10))print(add(20))#Mutable Default Arguments: def add(no, l=[]): l.append(no) return l print(add(10)) print(add(20))#Mutable Default Arguments: def add(no, l=[]): l.append(no) return l print(add(10)) print(add(20))
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[10][10, 20][10] [10, 20][10] [10, 20]
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Functions returning dictionary:
def display(player_names, scores):return dict(zip(player_names, scores))player_names = ['virat', 'rohit']scores = [100,105]result = display(player_names, scores)print(result)def display(player_names, scores): return dict(zip(player_names, scores)) player_names = ['virat', 'rohit'] scores = [100,105] result = display(player_names, scores) print(result)def display(player_names, scores): return dict(zip(player_names, scores)) player_names = ['virat', 'rohit'] scores = [100,105] result = display(player_names, scores) print(result)
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{'virat': 100, 'rohit': 105}{'virat': 100, 'rohit': 105}{'virat': 100, 'rohit': 105}
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Lists are mutable:
def modify(l):l.append(100)print(f'Inside modify, {l}')l = [10,20,30]print(f'Outside modify {l}')modify(l)print(f'Outside modify2 {l}')def modify(l): l.append(100) print(f'Inside modify, {l}') l = [10,20,30] print(f'Outside modify {l}') modify(l) print(f'Outside modify2 {l}')def modify(l): l.append(100) print(f'Inside modify, {l}') l = [10,20,30] print(f'Outside modify {l}') modify(l) print(f'Outside modify2 {l}')
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Outside modify [10, 20, 30]Inside modify, [10, 20, 30, 100]Outside modify2 [10, 20, 30, 100]Outside modify [10, 20, 30] Inside modify, [10, 20, 30, 100] Outside modify2 [10, 20, 30, 100]Outside modify [10, 20, 30] Inside modify, [10, 20, 30, 100] Outside modify2 [10, 20, 30, 100]
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- Before calling
, the list is[10, 20, 30]
. - Inside
, 100 is added to the list. - After the function call, the original list is now
[10, 20, 30, 100]
because lists are mutable and passed by reference.
Types of variables:
Local Variables: A variable declared inside a function and accessible only within that function.
def shopping():print(amount)amount = 1000print(amount)shopping()def shopping(): print(amount) amount = 1000 print(amount) shopping()def shopping(): print(amount) amount = 1000 print(amount) shopping()
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Global Variables: A variable declared outside a function and accessible throughout the program.Use global keyword to modify the variable.
amount = 1000def shopping():print(amount)shopping()amount = 1000 def shopping(): print(amount) shopping()amount = 1000 def shopping(): print(amount) shopping()
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amount = 10000 #Global variabledef shopping():global amountprint("Total Amount for Trip is",amount)amount = 1000 #Local variableprint("Shopping Amount",amount)shopping()amount = 10000 #Global variable def shopping(): global amount print("Total Amount for Trip is",amount) amount = 1000 #Local variable print("Shopping Amount",amount) shopping()amount = 10000 #Global variable def shopping(): global amount print("Total Amount for Trip is",amount) amount = 1000 #Local variable print("Shopping Amount",amount) shopping()
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Total Amount for Trip is 10000Shopping Amount 1000Total Amount for Trip is 10000 Shopping Amount 1000Total Amount for Trip is 10000 Shopping Amount 1000
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–> Local and global variables can have same names.
–> Local variable will be precedence.
Inner Function:An inner function (or nested function) is a function defined inside another function.
Nonlocal Variables (Used Inside Nested Functions): A variable declared inside a nested function but referring to a variable in an enclosing (outer) function.Use nonlocal keyword to modify the variable.
def open_tank():tank = 2print(f'Inside open_tank {tank}')def fill_petrol():nonlocal tanktank = tank + 3print(f'Inside fill_petrol {tank}')fill_petrol()open_tank()def open_tank(): tank = 2 print(f'Inside open_tank {tank}') def fill_petrol(): nonlocal tank tank = tank + 3 print(f'Inside fill_petrol {tank}') fill_petrol() open_tank()def open_tank(): tank = 2 print(f'Inside open_tank {tank}') def fill_petrol(): nonlocal tank tank = tank + 3 print(f'Inside fill_petrol {tank}') fill_petrol() open_tank()
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Inside open_tank 2Inside fill_petrol 5Inside open_tank 2 Inside fill_petrol 5Inside open_tank 2 Inside fill_petrol 5
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