Python Complexity Cheat Sheet

New GitHub Repo: Python Complexity Cheat Sheet

Okay, Let’s come to the point (introduction at the end 🤘)

Hey Developers!

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve created a comprehensive Python Complexity Cheat Sheet for all the coders out there who want to write efficient and optimized Python code. This cheat sheet is designed to help you understand the average and worst-case complexities of operations across Python’s built-in data structures.

Repository Link:

Python Complexity Cheat Sheet

Why Did I Create This Repo?

Understanding the time complexity of operations is essential for writing scalable applications. Python’s built-in data structures like lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples are powerful but knowing their performance under different operations can make a huge difference.

This repo:

  • Summarizes complexities of common operations (e.g., append, pop, sort, etc.).
  • Covers lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples, and strings.
  • Is beginner-friendly and easy to reference during coding.

What’s Inside?

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll find in the repo:

  1. Lists:

    • Operations like append, pop, remove, sort, and more.
    • Complexity tables for quick reference.
  2. Dictionaries:

    • Key-based operations (get, pop, setdefault) and iteration performance.
  3. Sets:

    • Methods like add, remove, union, intersection, and their costs.
  4. Tuples:

    • Immutable operations and their complexities.
  5. Strings:

    • Performance of slicing, searching, and concatenation.
  6. Overview:

    • A high-level summary comparing all data structures.

How to Use This Repo?

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
   git clone
git clone

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  1. Bookmark it for quick reference during coding. ⭐️

Contributions Welcome!

If you find this repo helpful, feel free to:

  • Give it a ⭐️ on GitHub.
  • Share it with fellow developers.
  • Submit a pull request if you spot improvements or want to add more content.

Bonus Repo Coming Soon!

I’m also working on a Python DS Methods and Properties Cheat Sheet, where you’ll find all the essential methods and properties for Python’s data structures. Stay tuned!

Okay, I did it here it is -> Python DS Methods and Properties Cheat Sheet

Let’s write efficient Python code together!

Okay, My Name is Jaimin Bariya, a Simple developer, AKA Cloud Boy, Follow me to learn together, Keep your eyes on my GitHub for good products (forget to make the project, shift your self to make a product, In short, don’t make a project, make product).

Happy Coding!

原文链接:Python Complexity Cheat Sheet

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