Securing Sensitive Data in Java: Best Practices and Coding Guidelines

The article explores the importance of protecting sensitive data in Java applications and highlights common vulnerabilities, including improper data handling, injection attacks, and input validation failures. It provides secure coding guidelines from Oracle, along with examples of unsafe and safe code practices.

Sensitive data is information that individuals or organizations want to protect from public exposure as if its unintentional release or stolen could result in harm to the person or the organization in the form, for example, of identity theft or other criminal intentions (Baig, 2021). For individuals, this may include personal details like payment information or birth dates, and for organizations, it could be proprietary corporate information.

Java, as a programming language, incorporates several abstractions to secure sensitive data. However, data security can still be compromised, in an application, by different factors such as improper handling of sensitive information and vulnerabilities to data injection attacks, as well as insufficient input validation and the unsafe handling of mutable objects.

Oracle (n.d.), the corporation that owns the rights to Java, provides coding guidelines for Java SE, The following is a list of these guidelines.

– Guideline 2 Confidential Information (Oracle, n.d.).

  • Guideline 2–1 / CONFIDENTIAL-1: Purge sensitive information from exceptions. Sensitive information in exceptions should not reveal internal states or paths.
  • Guideline 2–2 / CONFIDENTIAL-2: Do not log highly sensitive information. Logs should exclude sensitive details like passwords or security tokens.
  • Guideline 2–3 / CONFIDENTIAL-3: Consider purging highly sensitive information from memory after use. Clearing sensitive data from memory reduces its exposure window.

If sensitive information is logged or stored insecurely, it becomes vulnerable to unauthorized access.

Code examples:

Unsafe code, an application that logs sensitive user passwords in clear text violates the principle of purging sensitive information from logs.

public class PasswordLogger {
    public void logPassword(String password) {
        // Logs sensitive data—violates secure coding guidelines
        System.out.println("Password: " + password);

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Safe code, to comply with secure coding guidelines, sensitive data should be sanitized or excluded from logs entirely.

public class SecurePasswordLogger {
    public void logPassword() {
        System.out.println("Password logging is not permitted.");

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– Guideline 3 Injection and Inclusion (Oracle, n.d.).

  • Guideline 3–1 / INJECT-1: Generate valid formatting. Input should always be sanitized to prevent incorrect formatting issues.
  • Guideline 3–2 / INJECT-2: Avoid dynamic SQL. Always use parameterized SQL statement queries to eliminate SQL injection risks.

These vulnerabilities may allow attackers to manipulate queries and access, modify, or delete sensitive data

Code examples:

Unsafe code, using dynamic SQL queries to process user inputs without sanitization is a common mistake.

String query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '" + username + "'";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

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Safe code, instead, parameterized queries should be used to prevent injection attacks:

String query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
pstmt.setString(1, username);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

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– Guideline 5 Input Validation (Oracle, n.d.).

  • Guideline 5–1 / INPUT-1: Validate inputs, Input from untrusted sources should be sanitized and validated.
  • Guideline 5–2 / INPUT-2: Validate output from untrusted objects as input. Output from untrusted sources should be revalidated before further processing.

These vulnerabilities may allow attackers may exploit improperly validated inputs to execute malicious code or access restricted data.

Code example:

Safe code, proper input validation ensures that malicious code is not injected.

public class ImmutableExample {
    private final List items;

    public ImmutableExample(List items) {
        this.items = new ArrayList<>(items); // Creates a safe copy

    public List getItems() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(items); // Returns an immutable view

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To summarize, sensitive data is information that individuals or organizations want to protect from public exposure as if it is exposed could result in harm to the person or the organization. Factors such as improper handling of sensitive information, vulnerabilities to data injection attacks, the unsafe handling of mutable objects, and insufficient input validation can compromise an application’s integrity. However, by adhering to secure coding guidelines such as avoiding the logging of sensitive information, using SQL parameterized queries to prevent injection attacks, validating all inputs, and handling mutable objects correctly, developers can build Java applications that are secure and keep sensitive data protected.


Baig, A. (2021, May 17). What is sensitive data? Securiti.

Oracle (n.d.). Secure coding guidelines for Java SE. Updated May 2023. Oracle.

Originally published at Alex.omegapy on Medium by Level UP Coding on November 14, 2024.

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