Over the weekend, I picked up a project via Reddit involving a plugin for the Flow Launcher. I created a fzf and rofi version for my Ubuntu Linux environment, and then thought, how hard can it be to port it to uLauncher?
Here I document what I did.
1. Inside ~/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/
create a new dir. In my case, I created ~/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/com.github.ubuntupunk.ulauncher-vim
2. Touch the following files:
├── images
│ └── icon.png
├── versions.json
├── manifest.json
└── main.py
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3. In versions.json
place the following boilerplate:
[ {"required_api_version": "2", "commit": "master"} ]
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4. In manifest.json
{ "required_api_version": "2", "name": "Demo extension", "description": "Extension Description", "developer_name": "John Doe", "icon": "images/icon.png", "options": { "query_debounce": 0.1 }, "preferences": [ { "id": "demo_kw", "type": "keyword", "name": "Demo", "description": "Demo extension", "default_value": "dm" } ] }
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5. In main.py
from ulauncher.api.client.Extension import Extension
from ulauncher.api.client.EventListener import EventListener
from ulauncher.api.shared.event import KeywordQueryEvent, ItemEnterEvent
from ulauncher.api.shared.item.ExtensionResultItem import ExtensionResultItem
from ulauncher.api.shared.action.RenderResultListAction import RenderResultListAction
from ulauncher.api.shared.action.HideWindowAction import HideWindowAction
class DemoExtension(Extension):
def __init__(self):
self.subscribe(KeywordQueryEvent, KeywordQueryEventListener())
class KeywordQueryEventListener(EventListener):
def on_event(self, event, extension):
items = []
for i in range(5):
name='Item %s' % i,
description='Item description %s' % i,
return RenderResultListAction(items)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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6. Now edit manifest.json
{ "required_api_version": "2", "name": "Vim Prompter", "description": "Vim cheatsheet helper", "developer_name": "David Robert Lewis", "icon": "images/icon.png", "options": { "query_debounce": 0.1 }, "preferences": [ { "id": "vm_kw", "type": "keyword", "name": "Vim", "description": "Search for Vim commands", "default_value": "vm" } ]
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7. Add command loading function to main.py
class VmExtension(Extension):
def load_vim_commands(self):
"""Load Vim commands from JSON file."""
package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
full_path = os.path.join(package_dir, 'db', 'commands.json')
with open(full_path, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
def __init__(self):
self.vim_commands = self.load_vim_commands()
self.subscribe(KeywordQueryEvent, KeywordQueryEventListener())
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8. Create a db folder with the following:
example structure:
{ "categories": { "navigation": { "name": "Navigation", "patterns": [ "scroll", "jump", "goto", "position" ], "subcategories": { "cursor": { "name": "Cursor Movement", "patterns": [ "move[s]? cursor", "^[hjkl]$", "^[HJKL]$", "^[wWeEbB]$" ] },
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You can see the entire commands.json here.
9. Modify the KeywordQueryEventListener
to implement the search functionality.
class KeywordQueryEventListener(EventListener):
def on_event(self, event, extension):
query = event.get_argument() or ""
items = []
# If no query, show all commands (limited to first 8) commands_to_show = extension.vim_commands
# If there's a query, filter commands if query:
commands_to_show = [
cmd for cmd in extension.vim_commands
if query.lower() in cmd['command'].lower() or
query.lower() in cmd['description'].lower()
# Limit results to first 8 matches for cmd in commands_to_show[:8]:
description=f"{cmd['name']} - {cmd['description']}",
return RenderResultListAction(items)
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10. Add the URL opening functionality. We’ll need to import webbrowser and modify the on_enter action to open the Vim command URL
from ulauncher.api.shared.action.OpenUrlAction import OpenUrlAction
class KeywordQueryEventListener(EventListener):
def on_event(self, event, extension):
query = event.get_argument() or ""
items = []
commands_to_show = extension.vim_commands
if query:
commands_to_show = [
cmd for cmd in extension.vim_commands
if query.lower() in cmd['command'].lower() or
query.lower() in cmd['description'].lower()
for cmd in commands_to_show[:8]:
url = f"https://vim.rtorr.com/#:~:text={cmd['rtorr_description']}"
description=f"{cmd['name']} - {cmd['description']}",
return RenderResultListAction(items)
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11. Key changes are:
- Added OpenUrlAction import
- Replaced HideWindowAction with OpenUrlAction
- Constructed the URL using the command’s rtorr_description
12. The full project code can be viewed here:
and the ulauncher extension here