5 Essential Java Observability Tools: Boost Application Performance

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As a Java developer with years of experience, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of application observability. It’s not just about fixing issues when they arise; it’s about having a clear view of your application’s behavior, performance, and health at all times. In this article, I’ll share my insights on five powerful tools that have significantly enhanced my ability to monitor and optimize Java applications.

Micrometer: Your Metrics Swiss Army Knife

Micrometer has become my go-to tool for application metrics. Its vendor-neutral approach means I can switch between different monitoring systems without changing my code. Whether I’m using Prometheus, Graphite, or InfluxDB, Micrometer has me covered.

What I love most about Micrometer is its dimensional metrics model. It allows me to add tags to my metrics, providing context that’s invaluable when analyzing data. Here’s a simple example of how I use Micrometer to count events:

Counter counter = Metrics.counter("api.requests", "endpoint", "/users");

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This code creates a counter for API requests, with a tag specifying the endpoint. I can easily add more tags to provide additional context, like HTTP method or user type.

Micrometer also supports other metric types like gauges, timers, and distribution summaries. I often use timers to track method execution times:

Timer timer = Metrics.timer("method.execution", "class", "UserService", "method", "createUser");
timer.record(() -> userService.createUser(user));

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This records the execution time of the createUser method, tagging it with the class and method name for easy identification.

Spring Boot Actuator: Production-Ready Monitoring

For my Spring Boot applications, Spring Boot Actuator is indispensable. It provides a wealth of production-ready features that I can enable with minimal configuration.

One of my favorite Actuator endpoints is the health endpoint. It gives me a quick overview of my application’s health:

public class DatabaseHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    public Health health() {
        if (isDatabaseHealthy()) {
            return Health.up().withDetail("database", "Operational").build();
        return Health.down().withDetail("database", "Not responding").build();

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This custom health indicator checks the database status and reports it through the /actuator/health endpoint.

Actuator’s metrics endpoint is another gem. It exposes a wide range of metrics, from JVM stats to custom business metrics. I often use it in conjunction with Micrometer:

public class UserController {
    private final Counter userCreationCounter;

    public UserController(MeterRegistry registry) {
        this.userCreationCounter = registry.counter("users.created");

    public User createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
        // User creation logic
        return user;

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This code increments a counter every time a user is created, which I can then monitor through the /actuator/metrics endpoint.

OpenTelemetry: The Future of Observability

OpenTelemetry has revolutionized how I approach observability in my applications. Its unified API for tracing, metrics, and logging means I can standardize my observability stack across different services and languages.

Here’s how I typically set up OpenTelemetry in a Java application:

SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()

OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()

Tracer tracer = openTelemetry.getTracer("my-tracer");

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my-span").startSpan();
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
    // Business logic
} finally {

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This setup creates a tracer and a span, which I can use to track the execution of a piece of code. The beauty of OpenTelemetry is that it works seamlessly with various backend systems, so I can send this data to Jaeger, Zipkin, or any other compatible system.

Elastic APM: Deep Insights into Application Performance

Elastic APM has been a game-changer for me in terms of understanding the performance characteristics of my Java applications. Its ability to provide method-level profiling and detailed transaction traces has helped me identify and resolve countless performance issues.

Integrating Elastic APM into a Spring Boot application is straightforward:

public class ElasticApmConfig {
    public ElasticApmTracer elasticApmTracer() {
        return ElasticApmTracer.builder().build();

public class UserController {
    private final ElasticApmTracer tracer;

    public UserController(ElasticApmTracer tracer) {
        this.tracer = tracer;

    public User getUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
        Transaction transaction = tracer.startTransaction("GET /users/{id}");
        try {
            // User retrieval logic
            return user;
        } finally {

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This code creates a transaction for each user retrieval request, allowing me to track its performance in Elastic APM.

One feature of Elastic APM that I particularly appreciate is its automatic instrumentation of JDBC queries. It has helped me identify slow database queries without any additional coding on my part.

Jaeger: Distributed Tracing for Microservices

In my work with microservices architectures, Jaeger has been invaluable. Its distributed tracing capabilities have allowed me to understand complex request flows across multiple services.

Here’s how I typically set up Jaeger in a Spring Boot application:

public class JaegerConfig {
    public io.opentracing.Tracer jaegerTracer() {
        return new Configuration("my-service")
            .withSampler(new Configuration.SamplerConfiguration().withType(ConstSampler.TYPE).withParam(1))
            .withReporter(new Configuration.ReporterConfiguration().withLogSpans(true))

public class UserService {
    private final io.opentracing.Tracer tracer;

    public UserService(io.opentracing.Tracer tracer) {
        this.tracer = tracer;

    public User getUser(Long id) {
        Span span = tracer.buildSpan("getUser").start();
        try (Scope scope = tracer.activateSpan(span)) {
            // User retrieval logic
            return user;
        } finally {

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This setup creates a span for the getUser method, which I can then visualize in Jaeger’s UI. When this method calls other services, Jaeger automatically links the spans, giving me a complete picture of the request flow.

Jaeger’s ability to show me the timing of each part of a request has been crucial in identifying performance bottlenecks in my distributed systems.

Putting It All Together

In my experience, the most effective observability strategy combines multiple tools. I often use Micrometer for basic metrics, Spring Boot Actuator for health checks and operational info, OpenTelemetry for standardized observability across services, Elastic APM for deep performance insights, and Jaeger for distributed tracing.

Here’s an example of how I might combine these tools in a Spring Boot application:

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

    public TimedAspect timedAspect(MeterRegistry registry) {
        return new TimedAspect(registry);

public class UserController {
    private final UserService userService;
    private final io.opentracing.Tracer tracer;

    public UserController(UserService userService, io.opentracing.Tracer tracer) {
        this.userService = userService;
        this.tracer = tracer;

    public User getUser(@PathVariable Long id) {
        Span span = tracer.buildSpan("GET /users/{id}").start();
        try (Scope scope = tracer.activateSpan(span)) {
            return userService.getUser(id);
        } finally {

public class UserService {
    private final ElasticApmTracer elasticApmTracer;

    public UserService(ElasticApmTracer elasticApmTracer) {
        this.elasticApmTracer = elasticApmTracer;

    public User getUser(Long id) {
        Transaction transaction = elasticApmTracer.startTransaction("getUser");
        try {
            // User retrieval logic
            return user;
        } finally {

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In this setup, I’m using:

  • Spring Boot Actuator (enabled by default in Spring Boot)
  • Micrometer for method timing (via the @Timed annotation)
  • Jaeger for distributed tracing (in the controller)
  • Elastic APM for detailed performance tracking (in the service)

This combination gives me a comprehensive view of my application’s behavior and performance.


Observability is not a luxury in modern Java development; it’s a necessity. The tools I’ve discussed here – Micrometer, Spring Boot Actuator, OpenTelemetry, Elastic APM, and Jaeger – have become integral parts of my development toolkit.

Each tool brings its own strengths to the table. Micrometer provides flexible metrics collection, Spring Boot Actuator offers production-ready features, OpenTelemetry standardizes observability across services, Elastic APM gives deep performance insights, and Jaeger excels at distributed tracing.

By leveraging these tools effectively, I’ve been able to build more robust, performant, and maintainable Java applications. I can quickly identify issues, understand complex system behaviors, and make data-driven decisions about optimizations and improvements.

Remember, the goal of observability is not just to collect data, but to gain actionable insights. As you implement these tools in your own projects, focus on the metrics and traces that are most relevant to your application’s performance and business goals.

The field of observability is constantly evolving, with new tools and techniques emerging regularly. Stay curious, keep learning, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches. Your future self (and your ops team) will thank you for the insights you’ve built into your applications.

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