Java basic program with expansion

Created a class as public class Library
Created a object as Library books = new Library();
Object is memory representation of class.
Most important object name should not be in capital.

How to create an object in Java? {TBD}

Java provides five ways to create an object.

Using new Keyword
Using clone() method
Using newInstance() method of the Class class
Using newInstance() method of the Constructor class
Using Deserialization
Using new Keyword
Using clone() method
Using newInstance() method of the Class class
Using newInstance() method of the Constructor class
Using Deserialization
Using new Keyword Using clone() method Using newInstance() method of the Class class Using newInstance() method of the Constructor class Using Deserialization

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public class Library
public static void main(String[] args)
Library books = new Library(); //Object Creation
//new allocates memory - Instance - Instantiation
books.fiction(); //Method Calling Statement
Library librarian = new Library();
public void fiction() //Method Signature
//Method Definition / Body
System.out.println("Book Name:Fiction books");
public void lending_books() //Method Signature
//Method Definition / Body
System.out.println("Librarian:Successfully lended the books");
public class Library

public static void main(String[] args)
Library books = new Library(); //Object Creation
//new allocates memory - Instance - Instantiation
books.fiction(); //Method Calling Statement
Library librarian = new Library();

public void fiction() //Method Signature
//Method Definition / Body
System.out.println("Book Name:Fiction books");

public void lending_books() //Method Signature
//Method Definition / Body
System.out.println("Librarian:Successfully lended the books");

public class Library { public static void main(String[] args) { Library books = new Library(); //Object Creation //new allocates memory - Instance - Instantiation books.fiction(); //Method Calling Statement Library librarian = new Library(); librarian.lending_books(); } public void fiction() //Method Signature { //Method Definition / Body System.out.println("Book Name:Fiction books"); } public void lending_books() //Method Signature { //Method Definition / Body System.out.println("Librarian:Successfully lended the books"); } }

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