Quick and Easy: How to Test RESTful APIs in Java

In backend development, RESTful APIs are essential for data interaction with the frontend. Whether during the development or testing phase, testing APIs is an indispensable part of the process. Traditionally, developers often need to switch between IDEs and external tools like Postman to test endpoints. This process is not only time-consuming but also disrupts the development flow, decreasing efficiency. Today, I will introduce a simple and quick method — testing RESTful APIs directly within IntelliJ IDEA using the Apidog Fast Request plugin, which improves development efficiency. It’s free, and once installed in IntelliJ IDEA, you can test APIs with a single click.

What is Apidog Fast Request?

Apidog Fast Request is a free plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that enables developers to test RESTful APIs directly within the development environment, eliminating the need for external tools. The plugin supports endpoint testing for Java and Kotlin backend projects, automatically generates API documentation, exports OpenAPI files, and even syncs endpoint information to the Apidog platform for team collaboration.

With Apidog Fast Request, developers can seamlessly test APIs within an integrated development environment, reducing the hassle of switching between multiple tools. In the following steps, I’ll walk you through how to use this plugin to test your RESTful APIs.

Installing the Apidog Fast Request Plugin

To get started with the Apidog Fast Request plugin, you’ll need to install it in IntelliJ IDEA. Here are the steps:

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA and go to Settings > Plugins.

  2. In the plugin marketplace, search for Apidog, find the Apidog Fast Request plugin, and click Install.

  3. After the installation, restart IntelliJ IDEA to activate the plugin.

You can also download and install the plugin directly from the JetBrains Marketplace.

Testing RESTful APIs

Step 1: Open the Controller Class Containing the API

After installing and restarting IntelliJ IDEA, you will see the Apidog icon in the right toolbar. When you open a Controller class containing API endpoints, you will notice a green arrow icon next to each API method. This small arrow serves as the entry point for testing the endpoint.

Click the arrow, and the Apidog Fast Request plugin will automatically detect the endpoint information and open a visual testing panel on the right side.

Step 2: Configure and Send Requests

In the testing panel, you will see the endpoint details, such as the request method (GET, POST, etc.), request path, and request parameters. You can perform the following actions:

  • View and modify request parameters

  • Add or modify request headers

  • Edit the request body (for POST requests)

  • Configure global parameters

  • View historical requests

Once you click the “Send” button, the endpoint’s response will be displayed in real-time in the panel. You can check the status code, response headers, and the formatted response body. For JSON responses, the plugin will automatically beautify the display, making the data easier to read.

By using the Apidog Fast Request plugin, you can easily and quickly test and debug RESTful APIs directly within IntelliJ IDEA. Whether you’re performing basic endpoint testing or advanced tasks like managing request history and configuring global parameters, Apidog Fast Request offers full support. Give it a try by downloading it from the JetBrains Marketplace!

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