day5 what is arguments in java

 today I research the topic of arguments in java. and  about the website and i got some of the point.

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1.What is argument?

Argument are the actual value or input provided to methods or constructors when thery are or constructors to perform operations.

2.Use an analogy. (Explain with an every day analogy)

Think of a method as a “ingredients” just as a recipe needs method needs orguments to exectue it’s instructions.

example: A method to bake a cake might requires ingredients like flour,sugar, and egg (orguments) without them recipe can’t be executed.

3.Differentiate arguments from parameters.

Variable defined in a method declaration (eg, String name).

Values assigened to those parameters when method is called (eg,”Alice”).

4.Highlight practical use cases.

Customizing behaviour: Passing argument allows methods to perform tasks with specific data

Revsability: A method can be reased for different inputs making code modular and efficient.

5.Conclude with key points:

Argument provids input to methods and constructors they allow dyinamic and flexible exeucation of code. java uses pass-by-value
for arugment.

And this are the topic today i was lean form the website

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