Kotlin vs Java (21 Part Series)
1 Kotlin Null Safety vs. Java: A Comedy of Errors (But Mostly in Java)
2 Kotlin Data Classes vs Java: A Tale of Two Cities (But One Has Way Less Boilerplate)
… 17 more parts…
3 Kotlin Properties vs. Java Fields: A Tale of Two Variables (Where Kotlin Has More Tricks Up Its Sleeve!)
4 Kotlin Coroutines vs. Java Threads: A Concurrency Conundrum (Solved with a Sprinkle of Kotlin Magic!)
5 Kotlin Smart Casts vs. Java Casts: A Type-Safe Tale (with Fewer Runtime Surprises!)
6 Kotlin Type Inference vs. Java: A Deductive Dance (Where Kotlin Takes the Lead!)
7 Kotlin Primary Constructors vs. Java Constructors: A Construction Conundrum (Solved with Kotlin’s Elegance!)
8 Kotlin Operator Overloading vs. Java: A Mathematical Magic Show (Where Kotlin Bends the Rules!)
9 Kotlin String Templates vs. Java String Concatenation: A Tale of Two Strings (Where Kotlin Sings!)
10 Kotlin Sealed Classes vs. Java Enums (and Sealed Interfaces!): A Tale of Limited Hierarchies
11 Kotlin Companion Objects vs. Java Static Members: A Tale of Two Companions (Where Kotlin Offers More Than Just Friendship!)
12 Kotlin Infix Functions vs. Java: A Grammatical Twist (Where Kotlin Breaks the Rules!)
13 Kotlin Delegated Properties vs. Java: A Tale of Shared Responsibilities (Where Kotlin Lightens the Load!)
14 Kotlin Range Expressions vs. Java: A Journey Through the Numerical Landscape (Where Kotlin Takes a Scenic Route!)
15 Kotlin Destructuring Declarations vs. Java: Unpacking the Joy of Multiple Assignments (Where Kotlin Delivers the Goods!)
16 Kotlin Lambdas with Receivers vs. Java: A Code Symphony (Where Kotlin Plays a Different Tune!)
17 Kotlin’s “No Checked Exceptions” Policy vs. Java: A Tale of Two Error-Handling Philosophies
18 Kotlin Tail Recursion Optimization vs. Java: A Deep Dive into Efficient Recursion
19 Kotlin Extension Functions vs. Java: Adding a Touch of Magic to Existing Classes
20 Kotlin Object Declarations vs. Java: Summoning Singletons with Ease
21 Kotlin vs. Java: A Grand Finale and Farewell (But Not Goodbye!)
Imagine you’re a linguist exploring a new language. You discover a unique grammatical structure where the verb can snuggle between the subject and object. In most languages, this would sound bizarre, but in Kotlin, it’s just another day with infix functions! They allow you to define functions that can be called with an alternative, more readable syntax, making your code flow like natural language. ️
Java: The Grammar Stickler
Java follows a strict grammatical structure when it comes to function calls. The function name always comes first, followed by parentheses enclosing the arguments. It’s like saying “eat the cake” instead of “cake eat.”
// Java
public class StringUtils {
public static String append(String str1, String str2) {
return str1 + str2;
String result = StringUtils.join(words, ", "); // Standard Java function call
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While this structure is clear and consistent, it can sometimes feel a bit rigid. It’s like being confined to formal language when you want to express yourself more casually.
Kotlin: The Grammar Bender
Kotlin introduces infix functions, which allow you to call a function with the object on the left, the function name in the middle, and the argument on the right. It’s like saying “cake eat” and still being perfectly understood!
// Kotlin
infix fun String.onto(other: String): String = this + other
val result = "Hello" onto " world!" // Infix function call
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With infix functions, you can:
- Improve readability: Create a more natural and expressive syntax for certain operations.
- Enhance domain-specific languages (DSLs): Define functions that read like plain language within a specific domain.
- Simplify common operations: Make common operations like adding elements to a collection or performing mathematical calculations more concise.
Why Infix Functions Are So Expressive
Infix functions offer several advantages:
- Readability: They can make your code more fluent and easier to understand, especially for domain-specific tasks.
- Conciseness: They can reduce the visual clutter of parentheses and dots in your code.
- Flexibility: They allow you to define custom operators for your classes and data types.
Java’s Counterpart: Standard Method Calls (The Conventional Way)
In Java, you achieve similar functionality by using standard method calls with descriptive names. This works perfectly fine, but it might lack the conciseness and expressiveness of Kotlin’s infix functions. It’s like sticking to formal grammar when a more casual approach would be more natural. ️
// Java
public class StringUtils {
public static String append(String str1, String str2) {
return str1 + str2;
String result = StringUtils.join(words, ", "); // Standard Java function call
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In Conclusion (The Linguistic Breakthrough)
Kotlin infix functions provide a unique way to enhance code readability and expressiveness. They allow you to bend the rules of function calls, creating a more natural and fluent syntax for specific operations. So, if you’re ready to explore the linguistic possibilities of Kotlin, embrace the power of infix functions and let your code speak for itself!
P.S. If you’re a Java developer still adhering to the traditional function call structure, don’t worry. You can always achieve similar results with well-named methods. It might not be as grammatically adventurous, but it’s still effective!
Kotlin vs Java (21 Part Series)
1 Kotlin Null Safety vs. Java: A Comedy of Errors (But Mostly in Java)
2 Kotlin Data Classes vs Java: A Tale of Two Cities (But One Has Way Less Boilerplate)
… 17 more parts…
3 Kotlin Properties vs. Java Fields: A Tale of Two Variables (Where Kotlin Has More Tricks Up Its Sleeve!)
4 Kotlin Coroutines vs. Java Threads: A Concurrency Conundrum (Solved with a Sprinkle of Kotlin Magic!)
5 Kotlin Smart Casts vs. Java Casts: A Type-Safe Tale (with Fewer Runtime Surprises!)
6 Kotlin Type Inference vs. Java: A Deductive Dance (Where Kotlin Takes the Lead!)
7 Kotlin Primary Constructors vs. Java Constructors: A Construction Conundrum (Solved with Kotlin’s Elegance!)
8 Kotlin Operator Overloading vs. Java: A Mathematical Magic Show (Where Kotlin Bends the Rules!)
9 Kotlin String Templates vs. Java String Concatenation: A Tale of Two Strings (Where Kotlin Sings!)
10 Kotlin Sealed Classes vs. Java Enums (and Sealed Interfaces!): A Tale of Limited Hierarchies
11 Kotlin Companion Objects vs. Java Static Members: A Tale of Two Companions (Where Kotlin Offers More Than Just Friendship!)
12 Kotlin Infix Functions vs. Java: A Grammatical Twist (Where Kotlin Breaks the Rules!)
13 Kotlin Delegated Properties vs. Java: A Tale of Shared Responsibilities (Where Kotlin Lightens the Load!)
14 Kotlin Range Expressions vs. Java: A Journey Through the Numerical Landscape (Where Kotlin Takes a Scenic Route!)
15 Kotlin Destructuring Declarations vs. Java: Unpacking the Joy of Multiple Assignments (Where Kotlin Delivers the Goods!)
16 Kotlin Lambdas with Receivers vs. Java: A Code Symphony (Where Kotlin Plays a Different Tune!)
17 Kotlin’s “No Checked Exceptions” Policy vs. Java: A Tale of Two Error-Handling Philosophies
18 Kotlin Tail Recursion Optimization vs. Java: A Deep Dive into Efficient Recursion
19 Kotlin Extension Functions vs. Java: Adding a Touch of Magic to Existing Classes
20 Kotlin Object Declarations vs. Java: Summoning Singletons with Ease
21 Kotlin vs. Java: A Grand Finale and Farewell (But Not Goodbye!)
原文链接:Kotlin Infix Functions vs. Java: A Grammatical Twist (Where Kotlin Breaks the Rules!)