Thread Concurrency In Java

Thread Concurrency or Multithreading in advanced Java allows multiple threads to execute concurrently, enhancing performance and responsiveness in complex applications. Here’s a concise breakdown of its key concepts and utilities.

Key Features of Multithreading in Java:

  1. Creating Threads.
  2. Thread Management with Executors
  3. Concurrency Utilities
  4. Fork/Join Framework
  5. Asynchronous Programming with Completable Future

1️⃣ Creating Threads.

  • Extending Thread: Create a new thread by overriding the run() method.

  • Implementing Runnable: Pass a Runnable instance to a Thread object.

  • Implementing Callable: Unlike Runnable, Callable allows threads to return a result and handle checked exceptions.

2️⃣ Thread Management with Executors.

  • Java’s Executor Framework (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) manages thread pools, allowing efficient handling of tasks.

  • Executors like FixedThreadPool and CachedThreadPool create a pool of reusable threads, managing them efficiently to reduce the overhead of creating new threads.

3️⃣ Concurrency Utilities

  • Locks: Advanced locking mechanisms like ReentrantLock provide more flexibility than synchronized methods, allowing timed and interruptible locks.

  • Atomic Variables: The java.util.concurrent.atomic package includes atomic classes (AtomicInteger, AtomicLong) that offer lock-free thread-
    safe operations.

  • Synchronizers:include utilities like:
    CountDownLatch: Allows a thread to wait until other threads complete
    CyclicBarrier: Synchronizes a fixed number of threads at a common
    barrier point.
    Semaphore: Controls access to resources by allowing a specific number
    of concurrent threads.

4️⃣ Fork/Join Framework

  • 1. For divide-and-conquer tasks, ForkJoinPool splits a task into smaller subtasks that are processed in parallel, particularly useful in recursive algorithms.

5️⃣ Asynchronous Programming with Completable Future

  • CompletableFuture enables asynchronous and non-blocking programming, allowing chaining and combining tasks for complex workflows.

Using Thread Example

Main class call 2 different thread

public class ThreadConcurrence {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // There is 2 type you have to call thread method
                //1- Extend Thread class
                //1- Implements Runnable class
        // why Implement concept is introduce here
                // because in java multiple thread dose not support that's so why implement class will introduce
                // ex- when u extend (inherit) base call, then at that time this call can not extend another Thread class.
        int n = 10;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            // in case of extend(inherit) Thread class
            Thread1 t1 = new Thread1();

            // in case of implement Runnable class
            Thread t2 =new Thread(new Thread2());

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Thread1–(extends Thread)

public class Thread1 extends Thread{
    //If you are extend Thread class then you  most be used run()
    // Because when you start a thread then run() automatically call and run
    public void run(){
        try {
            System.out.println("Thread1 is running now....");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

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Thread2–(implements Runnable)

public class Thread2 implements Runnable {
    //IF you are implement thread Then run() will be executed.
    // Because when you start a thread then run() automatically call and run
    public void run(){
        try {
            System.out.println("Thread2 is running.......");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

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Conclusion :

By leveraging these tools and frameworks, advanced Java multithreading enables building scalable, high-performance applications that can handle concurrent tasks seamlessly.

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