- My post explains Recurrent Layer, LSTM, GRU and Transformer.
- My post explains activation functions in PyTorch.
- My post explains loss functions in PyTorch.
- My post explains optimizers in PyTorch.
A layer is a collection of nodes to do a specific task.
Basically, a Neural Network(NN) consists of 3 layers as shown below:
Input Layer:
- is the 1st layer which accepts data and pass it to a hidden layer.
Hidden Layer:
- is the layer between an input and output layer.
- can be zero or more hidden layers in a neural network.
Output layer:
- is the last layer which holds a result.
*There is the Single Layer Neural Network or Perceptron which only has an input and output layer without hidden layer.
And, there are popular layers as shown below. *Some layers can be Neural Networks or models:
(1) Fully-connected Layer:
- connects every neuron in one layer to every neuron in the next layer.
- is also called Linear Layer, Dense Layer or Affine Layer.
- is Linear() in PyTorch. *My post explains
(2) Convolutional Layer(1982):
- can make data stand out by extracting the features from the data with filters(kernels). *Extracting the features from the data also downsamples and reduces the data to reduce computation.
- is used for Convolutional Neural Network(CNN): *Memos:
- There are 1D CNN, 2D CNN and 3D CNN.
- 1D CNN is for the 1D data such as the time series data such as audio, text, etc.
- 2D CNN is for the 2D data such as a 2D image.
- 3D CNN is for the 3D data such as video, Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), Computerized Tomography(CT) Scan, etc.
- is Conv1d(), Conv2d() or Conv3d() in PyTorch: *Memos:
(3) Transposed Convolutional Layer:
- can upsample data.
- is used for CNN.
- is also called Deconvolutional Layer.
- is ConvTranspose1d(), ConvTranspose2d() or ConvTranspose3d() in PyTorch: *Memos:
(4) Pooling Layer:
- can downsample(reduce data) keeping features to reduce computation. *The way of downsampling data is different from Convolutional Layer.
- is used for CNN.
- Max pooling, Average pooling and Min pooling are popular. *Max, Average or Min pooling takes a maximum(brighter), average or minimum(darker) value(pixel) respectively from each filter(kernel) of an image.
- is MaxPool1d(), MaxPool2d(), MaxPool3d(), AvgPool1d(), AvgPool2d() or AvgPool3d() in PyTorch: *Memos:
- Min pooling doesn’t exist in PyTorch.
are for 1D data. -
are for 2D data. -
are for 3D data. - My post explains
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(5) Batch Normalization Layer(2015):
- can normalize input values channel by channel in a batch in CNN to be similar scale to accelerate(speed up) training.
- is unstable with small batch sizes, then it leads to increased train time.
- is used for CNN.
- is not good with RNN.
- is BatchNorm1d(), BatchNorm2d() or BatchNorm3d() in PyTorch: *Memos:
(6) Layer Normalization(2016):
- can normalize input values layer by layer in many types of NN to be similar scale to accelerate training.
- is the improved version of Batch Normalization layer.
- is stable with small batch sizes, then it doesn’t lead to increased train time.
- is good with RNN.
- is LayerNorm() in PyTorch. *My post explains
(7) Dropout Layer(2012):
- can reduce overfitting by randomly dropping out nodes(randomly zeros the elements of a tensor) during training.
- is Dropout() in PyTorch. *My post explains
(8) Embedding Layer:
- can convert categorical data to numerical data.
- is used for NLP.
- is Embedding() in PyTorch. *My post explains
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