Building a Test Automation Architecture with Java, Selenium, Maven, Docker, and Jenkins CI/CD


In today’s fast-paced development environment, maintaining a robust test automation architecture is crucial. Our project, selenium_java_test_automation_ach, is designed to streamline automated testing using Java, Selenium, Maven, Docker, and Jenkins CI/CD. This architecture not only adheres to the SOLID principles but also incorporates best coding practices to ensure maintainable and scalable code.

Project Objectives

  • Automated Testing: Implement a comprehensive automated testing solution using Selenium and Java;

  • Comprehensive Reports: Generate detailed test reports with ExtentReports;

  • CI/CD Integration: Ensure seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins;

  • Multi-browser Support: Provide support for multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), including headless mode
    Key Features;

  • ExtentReports for Test Sessions: Initialization and closure of test sessions with ExtentReports, including WebDriver configuration;

  • Visual Capture and Comparison: Capture and compare screenshots of web pages against a predefined visual baseline;

  • WebDriver Configuration: Flexible WebDriver setup supporting multiple browsers and headless mode;

  • 🤖 Selenium Automation: Leverage Selenium to automate browser interactions, page navigations, and checkpoints.

Technologies Used

  • Java: The core programming language for writing test cases;

  • Selenium: A powerful tool for browser automation;

  • 🧪 TestNG: Framework for managing and executing tests;

  • ExtentReports: Library for generating detailed and visual test reports;

  • Lombok: Utility to reduce boilerplate code;

  • Jenkins: Continuous integration and deployment server;

  • Docker: Platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers;

SOLID Principles and Best Practices

This project is developed following SOLID principles and best coding practices to ensure a maintainable and scalable foundation:

  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each class has a single responsibility.

  • Open/Closed Principle: Classes are open for extension but closed for modification.

  • Liskov Substitution Principle: Subclasses should replace their base classes without breaking the application.

  • Interface Segregation Principle: Create specific interfaces for clients, avoiding monolithic interfaces.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle: Depend on abstractions, not on concrete implementations.


By adhering to the SOLID principles and utilizing best practices, our project ensures a robust, maintainable, and scalable test automation architecture. The combination of Java, Selenium, Maven, Docker, and Jenkins CI/CD streamlines the testing process and provides immediate feedback, making it an ideal solution for modern software development environments.

For more details about the project, visit:

Feel free to explore the project repository for more details and to contribute!

原文链接:Building a Test Automation Architecture with Java, Selenium, Maven, Docker, and Jenkins CI/CD

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